start 2021 this ramadan by CREATing A DEEP CONNECTION That changes everything EVEN WHEN YOU’RE BUSY AND CAN’T FIND THE TIME
A DEEPER CONNECTION : Overcome the emotional baggage that weighs you down. Maybe it’s your Connection that’s been the missing link but it can be difficult to see a lot of the time.
LEARN HOW TO HAVE RELIANCE UPON ALLAH: Tawakul for when you find it difficult. Most people are suffering from Fear and Anxiety due to the current uncertainties. Learn where it comes from and how to eliminate it.
STOP LIVING FROM A PLACE OF FEAR: because if you personally struggle to connect to Allah, learn how to feel spiritually connected and feel Safe despite uncertainty in your life.
CREATE LOVING RELATIONSHIPS: Learn why you struggle with your Marriage and Children and what you could be doing to change this forever.
CONNECT TO ALLAH & LEARN HOW TO GET RID OF STRESS: by learning where it is all coming from and how real lasting change can happen for you even if it’s taken you many many years of being stuck in constant stress.
REACH YOUR GOALS & OVERCOME YOUR OBSTACLES: especially if you’ve tried everything and every year you try and you just cannot overcome your obstacles year on year.
STOP YOUR MONEY WORRIES FOREVER: Stop the internal challenges that block you from your earning potential. Why is it happening to you.
LEARN HOW TO GET YOUR DUAS ANSWERED win in this Life and the Akhira, Learn why you don’t have to miss out on either & how to get balance.
Transform Your Mind & Heart thats where we start because this will change the way you feel and that will change your actions and how you show up in life forever.
A life transformation journey that begins with that will help you change the things you struggle with the most insha’Allah.
If you’ve been held back by the struggles and obstacles in your life, be it the past trauma you experienced or the constant anxious worrying about what the future holds for you, this immersion will get the ball rolling in your life for true transformation and change.
I created this program for YOU if you really want help to solve the most difficult problems, and to get closely connected to Allah.
We will create a connnection where you can begin to get a real healing, a real solution to your challenges every day.
This Coaching transformation is meant for busy people who want to create their dreams and achieve their Goals and dreams in a NON intensive way, it’s actually very light but transformative in nature.
No more procrastination, No more Constant Negativity, NO more searching endless Youtube motivational videos, crash courses or even therapy for years. It’s a simple solution by the permission of Allah.
Once you have created your New Normal, we will focus on Growing Your Life and actualising your dreams. If you want to achieve the Goals you never imagined possible, you will learn how to make it a reality.
The biggest thing holding most people back is their own fears and doubts, the self sabotage and constant inner critic, so you will learn how to take control of your own destiny by aligning yourself to the Divine Principles of the Quranic Science of the Nafs.
This one journey will teach you how to become confident in your innate abilities, how to actualise and clean up your thinking so it doesn’t stop you, instead catapulting your growth and development.
This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for all your life…
You will learn tools from the Quranic Science of the Nafs spiritual psychology model that will empower you to take charge of your life.
You will learn life skills that help you to transform your Mind, Your relationships, you Mental and Spirtual health and of course you’ll learn how to live an abundant life.
Over the course of the Month your program will include:
You will have access to a lot, but picking one thing to focus on will help you focus in on the most important things.
~ A monthly Life Topic taught to you by Master Coach Trainer & Teacher Abdul Shahid. With the Curriculam of topics you will change your life forever insha’Allah.
~ You will have Live Coaching where you will be coached or watch your peers with the same challenges getting coached. This is where you get your questions answered and get mentored on your specific challenges insha’Allah.
~ You will have access to Classes where the Nafs Transformation tools will be taught through Universal Quranic Principles, giving you the ability to Coach yourself and become independant.
~ You will have access to Live Quranic Reflection Classes. This is the most practical and application based Tafsir of the Quran you’ll ever study. It’s focus is 100% Life transformation through revelation.
This is a Complete Tarbiyah program that includes an experience of Coaching, Counselling and teaching based upon the Quran and Sunnah. You will be mentored in creating true inner peace through managing your mind and heart.
The program is based upon the Science of the Nafs spiritual Psychology model 100%.
Whether you want to Overcome Challenges or looking for explode your growth this program is for you. Insha’Allah you will begin to the path of REAL change.
This is the perfect Coaching program if you feel successful in some areas of your life but totally struggle in other areas. You will learn how to identify the problems and begin transform it.
During Ramadan you Join 1 Live Class a week.
You will also have OPTIONAL ACCESS to other classes on Tafsir, Group Coaching sessions.
After Ramadan the Program will continue monthly. Each month we will cover different topics that include the following subjects and a lot more insha’Allah.
If you can invest 1 hour a week and just 15 minutes a day to your life it will transform your life over the course of this program insha’Allah.
~ Mental Health & Wealth
~ Spiritual Connection and Reliance in Allah
~ Relationship Development & Mastery
~ Creating Confidence and Self Worth
~ Money and Dream Achievement
~ Overcoming Obstacles & Procrastination
~ Dealing with Difficult People
~ Fear & Anxiety and Depressive thinking
~ Decision Making and Creating An Amazing Life
~ Finally Overcoming Weight Loss Challenges
~ Creating Habits that Change Your Life
~ Winning in Dunya & Akhira
You find a true connection to Allah, your dreams, your Marriage, Career, health and relationships begin taking a turn for the better..
You realise what you’re missing and start working on filling the gaps in your life and watch it happen.
The struggles you found yourself seems to be the only obstacles and you get started on getting rid of them.
You finally understand what Allah means by contentment in the Quran.
You learn to focus on Dunya & Akhira without being overwhelmed by how much you have to do.
No more overwhelm, no more procrastination just by understanding the missing link in your life… Hint: it’s in the Quran.
What if you could learn to just Love life and feel your way through life with passion?
You only need one guide… Allah, the Quran and the Sunnah.
This is knowledge of both physical and metaphysical in nature. It will complete the incomplete picture that humanity has pieced together. Knowing and understanding how Allah designed you will help you to stop going against the grain.
It will help you to stop struggling and find a simple way to circumvent the challenges people face in day to day life.
If you suffer or know of people who suffer from excessive mental chat, constant thinking and over analysing of everything in life, this will show you how to stop that negative drain on your energy and life.
Truly understanding the nature of your Soul will help you to work towards a natural balance in life and connect to the Al-Mighty Creator of Life.
Some of the Benefits of this:
~ Get Clarity of Mind
~ Create Emotional Stability
~ Eliminate Self Doubt
~ Eliminate Self Sabotage
~ Create true Inner Confidence
~ Clear away habitual thinking & limiting beliefs
~ Create the Motivation you need
~ Learn how to Rely on yourself
~ Deal with Loneliness
~ Fear of Death or desire for it
~ Create Momentum in getting things done
~ Stop battling with yourself
~ Become who you are inspired to be
~ Have impact in your relationships
~ Build relationships that make you happy
~ Get over the past
~ Stop fear from dictating your life
Mind Health & Wealth Expert and Master Coach Trainer in The Science of the Nafs, a Quranic Spiritual Psychology modality.
Having taught and trained hundreds of people over the years, my experience has taught me that You need to mentor and coach to get real results.
Personal & Business Coach, Therapist and and Trainer with a Background and expertise in helping people with deep personal and commercial transformation.
In my own personal Journey I have spent the last 20 years seeking knowledge, teaching and mentoring individuals like yourself. Travelled and lived in Egypt and Saudi Arabia studying the various sciences through the Islamic seminary of Al Azhar. On return to the UK I founded Quranic Connection and The Muslim Life Coach Institute.
With 20 years of working in Consultancy Business building, Marketing and Sales, I have gleaned an all-round experience of building businesses from the ground up. In this journey I’ve trained many professionals on how to build and nurture business relationships.
On top of this I have training in different Self development philosophies, Three Principles/ InsideOut, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Coaching & Facilitator training.
Founder & Master Coach Instructor of the ILMU NAFS Divine Principles Coaching program is for personal and Business transformation.
CLASS TIMES: 2.00pm – 4.30pm London UK time.
4 – SUNDAY 2nd MAY
5 – SUNDAY 9th MAY
Program continues after Ramadan, Classes details will be shared with you during Ramadan.
The Nafs transformation program is for you when you’ve tried the self help avenues and you’re ready to make Real change happen. There is nothing like this anywhere.
Program value is £299 but has been discounted for a early Birds Price:
of £169 GBP a month. / Approx $235 USD.
This is the best value coaching program to be found anywhere in the world hands down. The program will continue every month and your price will remain £169 for as long as remain. You can Cancel anytime.
Don’t miss out…
You may be wondering still and here are some common questions and answers.