Your Life Transforms, You Become Expert Coach & Impact Others
This is exactly what you get:
12 Months Personal Mastery with the Quranic Science of the Nafs in your life. Master Mind and overcome Fear, Anxiety, Anger and Resentment as you become expert in Emotional transformation, Connection with Allah swt, Relationships, Productivity that you love. Transformation that you will use to create the life Goals, dreams and turn them into reality.
6 Months Life Coach Training, the most enjoyable journey of your life insha’Allah. Get trained, Coached and Mentored while you master the Science of the Nafs Life tools and practices. No more theory, get to learn and practive under supervision and build your skills.
6 Months Money, Client practice building, Business building and training. Coaching and Support to get you started using our 6 figure formula that you’ll use as you begin to build out your Life Coaching service. The exact formula our coaches have used to to make their first 2k, 10k, 40k and onto 100k and beyond. We support your entire journey.
Build a New level of Confidence, Expertise, life and Legacy business that you love.
Certification as a Science of the Nafs Mind & Life Transformation Coach will make you the best in the world.
YOU’LL BECOME A LIFE COACH THAT CAN GUARANTEE RESULTS WITH CONFIDENCE. This is not for others, it’s for YOU because you’re committed to your life. It’s for people like You because you follow your Purpose in life by helping other people. You want to make a difference.
USE A QURANIC MODEL THAT WORKS 100% OF THE TIME. Get Certified in the Only Quranic Science of the Nafs Psychology and Behavioural Success science. It’s a 100% Results Method, you don’t need to figure out anything after this.
OVERCOME ALL OBSTACLES WITH 100% RESULTS FORMULA. HELP YOUR CLIENTS GET TOTAL TRANSFORMATION. Stop coping mechanisms and get actual trangible change. No more staying stuck for years, you’ll become the Coach who can help them change their life story.
1. TOTAL LIFE TRANSFORMATION TOOLS – THE SCIENCE OF THE NAFS COACHING AND THERAPY. Learn and practice these mind and life transformation tools that address mind, emotion, Trauma, crippling fear, behaviour, relationships and life. Master the model the personal growth and development tools, becoming who you really want to be in this lifetime and set yourself up for the akhira. You become the inspiration by living this.
2. MASTER THE ART OF IMPACTING PEOPLE THROUGH YOUR LEGACY BUSINESS. Do it through your community work or do it as professional Coach and build a service business, work part time, earning full time income. Learn to master ‘Getting Clients’. No clients means you have no Coaching to do. So we train you to master process. You will know where to find them, how to find them, how to build a solid relationships with Clients who want to pay you because they love working with you.
The Coaches we train are driven to make a difference in their lives and the world. If you want to help yourself and others, this is for you.
YOU DO NOT NEED PSYCHOLOGY OR ISLAMIC STUDIES BACKGROUND. You’ll learn everything you need here to be able to change lives.
YOU WILL LEARN EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN THIS PROGRAM. You just have to be purpose driven, really want to live your best life and master the tools to help others live their best lives.
SIMPLE SYSTEMS GUARANTEE SUCCESS. Complex and difficult methods will impact your confidence in delivering amazing results. You will master simple systems and build Confidence that ensures you don’t feel like an imposter.
EVERY MUSLIM COACH & LEADERS DREAM TOOLS. What every Coach needs is a simple system of transformation, healing and growth. It needs to be deeply rooted in the Divine revelation of the Quran and Sunnah.
When you have this Coaching method down, you’ll have Coaching and therapy skills at your finger tips, your future clients won’t need a Coach for growth and a seperate therapist for mental health. You’ll be the only facilitator that they will want.
This is the training and mentorship you’ve been searching for, you’ll love it.
Coach Training, Therapy and Life leadership training includes all of the following:
1. MENTAL HEALTH MASTERY WITH THE SCIENCE OF THE NAFS. This is the only Quranic Psychology and therapeutic intervention skills you’ll ever need. Master the mind, Connection to Allah, and how to use Divine principles to create real results.
2. EMOTIONAL TRANSFORMATION & POWER. This is therapy and Emotional mastery. Overcome Fear, Anxiety, Anger, Overwhelm and Depressive Negative states of mind. This is an exact science to create Calm, Joy and Excitement in life with a Consistent emotional regulation system.
3. BEHAVIOUR CHANGE & NEW RESULTS. Using the revelation based model that gives you the deepest understanding of the human mind, heart. You’ll be able to unlock all behaviours and the way to create amazing results. It’s the only method you’ll ever need and your life will transform on the journey insha’Allah.
4. CONFIDENCE & LEADERSHIP: LEARN TO ELIMINATE DOUBT. And absolute Self belief. Use The Quranic Science of the Nafs coaching and therapy tools to overcome any blocks and self sabotage from getting in your way.
5. SPIRITUAL CONNECTION – YOUR TRUST & RELATIONSHIP WITH ALLAH swt changes with a simple and practical daily method of up-leveling your trust, certainty and reliance in Allah swt, so you can achieve any goal you set yourself. True inner peace is the results.
6. RELATIONSHIPS. Marriage, Parenting, Extended family, Work Leadership. These tools will change every relationship. You’ll become a leading expert in relationships. EVERYONE NEEDS THIS. The Science of the Nafs is a human relationship builder, healer and 100% WORKS.
6. TIME MANAGEMENT & IMPOSSIBLE DREAMS. Learning this method of life will change the entire system of approach to your time, life and the GOALS and Achievements. How to get the most done in the least amount of time. No more Overwhelm and anxious about it all.
8. MAKING MONEY, PRODUCTIVITY & TIME FREEDOM. You’ll master step by step exactly what you need to do every week as you work with your clients. Take them on a 6 months Life transformation journey. What to do with them, in simple and effective steps that give your clients 100% Results. You’ll master this process so it’s something you’ll do without effort once you learn this process. We can guarantee results because we have systems to help us do that. That’s what we’ll give you.
WE’LL SHOW YOU THE EXACT FORMULA TO CREATE A COACHING SERVICE THAT CHANGES THE WORLD one person at a time. Learn how to have such massive impact on peoples lives that it causes you to win in both Dunya and the Akhira.
I have had an amazing experience training with The Muslim Life Coach Institute alhamdullilah and highly recommend it. It’s a very thorough and in-depth Coach Training like no other leaving you very confident and competent in your abilities as a Coach. The Institute sets a very high standard for the coaching industry that is absolutely necessary. You learn psychology and behavioural science in a such a practical way that helps you actually solve your clients’ personal, relationship and professional problems at the core so that it does not keep reoccurring in their lives.
After years of trying to hit 6-Figure Coaching practice alhadmulilah I finally found a way that works. The Marketing and Business Coaching modules are taught in a super effective and simple way that very quickly helps you to build your coaching business.
The best part is, you finally see how just a one or two ayahs of the Quran can completely transform, heal and create an amazing life for your client so that they start living the Quran, alhamdullilah. JazakAllahu khair for the continuous support you give us.
After all these Years struggling a trying to figure it out, it impacts your confidence, relationships and life. I’ve figured it out now Alhamdulilah. I’ve been enjoying it a lot learning and coaching.
I’ve become very empowered, have more hope and become confident. Emotional experience is where I’m more in control. My relationships have changed, I am more positive and accept others and understand their behaviour. I don’t take anyting personally. You learn to stop being triggered by people and learn to master yourself Alhamdulilah.
This has really empowered me and I really enjoy Coaching alhamdulilah.
Working with thousands of people allows us to know one thing for sure, people have both internal and external challenges and obstacles. These obstacles always fall into three categories: Spiritual, Psychological, and Psysiological.
As you become a Certified Coach you’ll be trained in both the Coaching and Deep inner work tools of The Science of the Nafs. You will spend many months applying what you’re learning under supervision.
The Science of the Nafs Coaching tools are used for a complete process for mind transformation, behavioural change and peak performance. It will help you get unstuck and create the confidence to help your clients no matter what challenges they bring you.
Therapeutic impact of the Nafs psychology model created rapid transformation of the deep core challenges that has people stuck in their behaviour and life. You will impact yourself and everyone you work with insha’Allah. This is a tarbiyah at it’s core.
You will live into your best, most authentic self and fall in love with how easy you can make life. No more fear & Anxiety, no more self doubt, no more lack of confidence and self worth and just taking more action and creating your dreams in the real world insha’Allah
No more procrastination, No more emotional roller coasters of Negativity, no more searching endlessly online, no more courses or even years of therapy.
In this simple and easy to apply program, you get to the root of the problem and eliminate it permanently insha’Allah so you can create your dream career.
BONUS SPECIAL: You Get Private Weekly 1:1 Personal Coaching & Therapy to Support your growth and development. 20 minute Power Calls with our team of Certified Coaches & Mentors. We will personally support and mentor you to help you create a Deep Connection to Allah like you’ve never experienced before. We will work on finding what’s really stopping you from your success in your biggest challenges and work to create your biggest dreams.
You DO NOT need any prior training in psychology or the Islamic sciences. You will be given all that you need to become a Professional Coach grounded in the Science of the Nafs.
This will be completely different to anything else you’ve ever done, albeit you’ll find it agrees with your senses and resonates deeply in your heart. You will become a student of the Quran and it’s Divinely inspired model of spirituality, psychology and physiology.
So you might already be in the help profession, or you may be completely new. It’s fine either way. You will go through a 6 Months Certification training that give you all you need to help people transform in any area of their life.
Knowing how to take someone else through the process of transformation is essential component of your journey in becoming a coach. You will learn the master tools, science of life transformation, and all practice you need to help your clients in any challenge they face and help them to create the life that they want.
Our Coaches take these skills into their professional roles as leaders, Managers, Consultants and therapist. You will be able to work with ANYONE, regardless of their background and faith. These are tools that enhance life for all human beings.
Training to Coach all areas of life requires an understanding of the fundamental Human behavioural science. There is NO ONE that knows this better than Allah, so you will learn the Science of the Nafs through the Quran and Sunnah.
You get to master your own personal transformation to create Peace and contentment in your life. This is the thing we all need. There are deeply ingrained challenges we all face and if you want to love your life going through this journey of personal transformation will be the most important journey for you.
Eliminate doubt and fear, no procrastination, no more anxiety over the future or past, no more feeling disconnected, anger and alone in your pursuit for peace. Your focus with be to take care of your own struggles in this part of the program and life will change insha’Allah.
After you are Certified you get BONUS Access to Business Coaching & Entrepreneurship training program. This is an extra 6 Months access to the Muslim Life Coach & Business School for Business Coaching & Advancing Your Coaching Skills development while you set up your Coaching Practice.
Learn the Business Blueprint for how to build a Legacy focused Coaching business and how to earn your first 1k, 5k, 10k, 40k and then onto 100k and beyond insha’Allah. It becomes your choice. Powerful !
If time freedom and Money freedom is important to you this part of the program will set you up with the nuts and bolts and the how-to strategies insha’Allah. Making money as a life coach is all about how to find your Clients and building a thriving practice. Creating financial freedom is a choice and not something that just happens to you. So we teach you exactly how to go out and find the clients you need to build a thriving practice.
We teach you how to do it systematically without giving up your life, time and balance.
Coach Certification training is for 6 Months and requires 3.5 hours a week investment.
90 mins Live Coaching & Class + 60 Mins Video Training + 30 min Quranic Reflections
PLUS You will be given the opportunity to attend much more if you feel you want additional support.
Post Certification you will be given 6 months BONUS ACCESS to Business Coaching and other trainings Access as part of the Certified Coaches perks.
You will get FREE ACCESS to this Alumni coach Portal as an Active Coach. Annual tests and trainings to support you with Continuous Professional development. Active Coach Status is to be maintained and assessed annually.
Certification Class 2025 – ENROLMENT OPENING SOON
Program Starts March 2025 – The best 12 months WITH academic breaks. Plenty of time to transform, grow and enjoy your life. This is what you will get when you sign up today insha’Allah.
SPECIAL BONUS 1 : You get Private 121 Calls for Coaching, Therapy & Mentoring Weekly for 12 months with holidays and breaks. This is life changing alhamdulilah (Value of £15,000).
SPECIAL BONUS 2 : You get access to 12 month Dream Life Program : Nafs Personal Transformation Training & Live Coaching program. (Value of £10,000)
SPECIAL BONUS 3 : Business Coaching & Training School – 6 Months access of mentorship and coaching on how to make your first 1k, 10k and beyond, Marketing training, client support work and business building. Everything you need insha’Allah. (Value of £20,000)
£10,000 GBP – Monthly Payment Options Available
Become an expert at life leadership and transformation.
LEARN HOW TO SIGN YOUR FIRST 1k, 5k, 10k to a 100k
After Certification you will be given access to 6 Months Program on Coaching Entrepreneurship training through the Muslim Life Coach & Business School to support you while you build your Coaching business. You will learn the nuts and bolts of Sales and Organic Marketing where you don’t need to spend money on advertising or go looking for a business coach.
You’ll learn EVERYTHING you need to know to your earn your first 1k, 10k, 40k to 100k and beyond Coaching with your blueprint for success. A sustained flow of clients creates ongoing business you can rely on.
Most coaches don’t realise how important Business Coaching of this kind is. Entrepreneurship is a key skill. Knowing how to get Clients without paying for them is your first step to creating true time and money freedom.
BONUS EXTRA: WEEKLY LIVE Business Coaching Calls to support you as you grow.
This is true classical sales and marketing. Works everytime and your clients love you and pay you happily.
This will NOT include paid advertising or any other way of throwing your moey down the drain while you build a business. We will teach you to make money with organic / free methods that have worked for thousands of years.
This is where your foundation is built. We will travel through the Quran to understand how human psychology and physiology is to be understood. When you understand this knowledge, you will know the simplest and most effective way to understand human behaviour and how to bring about lasting change according to the Designer of Life.
This is knowledge of both physical and metaphysical in nature. It will complete the incomplete picture that humanity has pieced together. Knowing and understanding how Allah designed you will help you to stop going against the grain.
It will help you to stop struggling and find a simple way to circumvent the challenges people face in day to day life.
If you suffer or know of people who suffer from excessive mental chat, constant thinking and over analysing of everything in life, this will show you how to stop that negative drain on your energy and life.
Truly understanding the nature of your Soul will help you to work towards a natural balance in life and connect to the Al-Mighty Creator of Life.
Having taught and trained hundreds of people over the years, my experience has taught me that You need to mentor and coach people to get real results.
Expert Personal & Business Coach, Therapist and and Trainer of The Science of the Nafs Spirituality & Psychology according to the Quran and Sunnah. Background and expertise in helping people with personal and Business transformation.
In my own personal Journey I have spent the last 20 years seeking knowledge, teaching and mentoring individuals like yourself. Having travelled and lived in Egypt and Saudi Arabia where I learned through the Islamic seminary of Al Azhar. On return to the UK I founded the Quranic Connection Academy.
With 25 years of working in Consultancy Business building, Marketing and Sales, I have gleaned an all-round experience of building businesses from the ground up. In this journey I’ve trained many professionals and executives.
Founder, Lead Trainer & Coach of the ILMU NAFS Divine Principles Coaching program is for Personal and Business transformation.
Have spent more than 20 years in the pursuit of knowledge and training in various modalities, Psychology and Human Potential mastery.
I have witnessed its benefits in my practice and my personal life. Anyone contemplating coaching as a career or who simply wishes to work through their challenges, this is for you. Pray Istikhara and enrol with full confidence that the Almighty will only allow it to happen if it’s good for you. jazakAllahu khair
Weekly access to Power Calls to help you grow exponentially with our team of certified coaches & mentors.
Still Have Some Questions ? email us Admin1@themuslimlifecoach.org
You told us that it’s not about the end goal but it’s about the person you become on the journey to my success. I’ve realised that this is my success, I love the journey Alhamdulilah. I’m enjoying feeling uncomfortable, showing up and doing the best I can. I’m actually a great coach Alhamdulilah, I can actually do this alhamdulilah. I pray Allah swt rewards you for everything I do as you played a part in my success. This is emotional and you don’t understand how much this means to me alhamdulilah. I feel Allah swt loves me so much. BarakAllahu feek.