Use the Science of the Nafs Coaching to transform your Mental Health, Stop Overwhelm, Anxiety & Anger and do it with Confidence and Inner Peace
You Have the Power to Live Your Best Life, Get Unstuck & Grow Personally and Professionally
Are you’re feeling a lack of fulfilment, dissatisfaction, Anxiety and Resentment ? You can change it.
The solutions is taking control of your mind and behaviour.
Getting Coached and Mentored with the Science of the Nafs tools will help you overcome every obstacle.
There is no perfect life, but you can fill it with calm emotions, less conflict and Relationships where you feel valued and connected. You can actually start to love life again.
Spend the next 30 days of your life getting a holistic life transformation that changes You. Your mental and emotional freedom will change.
You need Coaching with this Science of the Nafs because it guarantees you results without the need for you to be perfect.
You don’t have to be perfect, you just use these tools to set your life up.
If your ambitious, hard working and can’t understand why you feel the discontent, why blocked from what you want, why you can’t change it ? this is the program for you.
You will learn how to change it with a Step-by-step guide for life.
When you follow the Step-by-Step Roadmap Coaching and mentoring, Your Nafs, your mind and emotions that block you, will change. Taking control your thoughts and feelings will change you.
When your mind is out of control, it will deplete your energy, cause procrastination and self doubt that sobatages you.
This special month you will reinvent yourself and create the results you want with the simplest, most effective way for achieve a life of fulfilment and contentment insha’Allah.
Master your time and energy with a simple process that helps you overcome the hidden obstacles that keeps you feeling stuck.
This May 23rd is the beginning of a New Beginning in your Life.
Begin with the Power of Your Mind : We start with a Divine Connection, then a Mental and Emotional reinvention of your life power that will create a momentum of growth and transformation for the next phase of your life insha’Allah.
This is the program that will help you get unstuck when you can’t understand why you’re feeling stuck, why you feel fear of failure that stops you.
Overwhelmed by everything. Especially when you feel demotivated and stuck in your relationships because of the constant worry and stress.
Learn to be present for your family, stop your mind being occupied and grow your Marriage and parenting skills.
You will learn to stop feeling disconnected, stop feeling unappreciated.
Feel loved and learn to accept and love yourself and grow in your life this month.
You will begin to change your connection to people in your personal and professional life.
Most importantly your Relationship with Allah will transform insha’Allah.
Imagine Reinventing Your life by Choice…
A mind and life that you shape with a Divine step by step tools where you take control of shaping your future. Where you stop feeling exhausted with juggling your responsibilities in your personal and professional life.
Stop the Procrastination, stop the Overwhelm, the burnout that occurs when your mind just doesn’t stop. Learn to change all of this.
You feel good about your life every day, a Deep Connection of safety and reliance with Allah. You feel confident and emotionally strong.
All of this self sabotage Stops You can stop the fear of failure and perfectionism that creates mental and physical exhaustion and burnout.
Experience joy again and make more Money and progress in your Business when you can stop this from sabotaging your life.
Learn to lead yourself powerfully, lead your family and your business by creating more energy and learning to switch off when you need to.
Get more done in your life without sacrificing your health, wealth and relationships. Your ambition can build positive change and heart felt success.
Quick fixes don’t work for long, so I will teach you how to create a calm inner peace that helps you create long lasting growth insha’Allah.
You can raise your family, build your career or business, and do it without sacrificing your mental and emotional health.
Fear and anxiety about the future no longer what keeps you from being motivated everyday and you get to create the results that you truly want.
You don’t have to look any further, this is the last stop and the beginning of a new era insha’Allah.
The Next 30 days will begin a New Direction in life
A community of Muslim Professional, Entrepreneurs and Parents looking to raise life and all come to get the support for true transformation with consistent results.
When you’re afraid people will find out you’re human, that you too have challenges, this is the safe space where you get the support and mentoring you want.
Abdul Shahid and his team of Certified Science of the Nafs Coaches (Male & Female), to coach and mentor you on overcoming your deepest obstacles, realising your dream life without compromising anything.
Join for £297 GBP per month, and begin a total up levelling of life with Spiritual, mental and emotional training and transformative relationship coaching.
Personal and Professional changes that last a lifetime insha’Allah.
Expert Coaching and Mentoring with full immediate Access to the entire training programs and library of courses and a motivational movement to support your changes. (market value of £15,000),
Including all of the following at just £297 GBP for 30 days of full access and Coaching. Master Your:
– Connection with Allah swt. It’s the key to your life !
– Mastering Your Mind and Emotions – It drives your life Results.
– Relationships – Healing, Developing and Loving again.
– Master the Business CEO Mindset that creates healthy Productivity and more Money.
– Creating Time for the Results you really love to have.
Weekly Coaching Q&A Calls
Weekly Quranic Tafsir Reflections Classes – Learn the Science of the Nafs through the Quran.
Seeing your blindspots and overcoming the sabotage to growth is key. The Science of the Nafs guidance and mentorship gives you everything to succeed without overworking.
This is the month your new life begins and you redefine your life for the growth and success in both Dunya and Akhira. Success in this life is key to success in the akhira.
You deserve the best.
You were born to lead yourself and your life.
You can do this, You will do this. Get started today insha’Allah.
My relationships have changes, my wife thinks I should have joined years ago. Alhamdulilah there is nothing like this in the muslim space and I’m grateful I found it. The Roadmap has been my go to for a solid year and it’s really changed my life and how I interact at work. I was living in chronic stress and anxiety and didn’t even know what was happening. It’s helped my understand my staff, my wife and really understand how to live without sabotaging myself. My connection with Allah has transformed with my mind alhamdulilah.
FARIA, Accountant Says: The journey with the Science of the Nafs has been a true “game changer” for me. I was living in fear and not only did this teach me about myself and the power that Allah has given me, it gave me an invaluable insight in to the mind and behaviours of others, allowing me to develop relationships from a place compassion and mercy. This has manifested itself the most in my marriage and parenting which have transformed beyond recognition.
LAURA Says: I was at a really low point in life and was unable to get myself out but Allaah brought this as a blessing. Alhamdullilaah so grateful to you and I always implement as much as I can from every single session as it is a blessing. My emotions are no way near as fluctuating as before and the extreme highs and lows have gone. The practical ways to implement what I’m learning has helped me control my perfectionism. My home life has much improved and also my family relations too Alhamdullilaah
It’s all so valuable I appreciate it every day. My relationships with Allah, myself, and my family, especially with my husband are at another level, and I enjoy every moment of life. What else could we want?
It blows my mind how much I can do, I just want to say JazakAllahu khair for everything. I love how this helps you in your connection to Allah AND to living a thriving life, wholistic wellness, mental and physical health is so relevant. I’m so excited for others because when this is embraced it’s one of the best things to ever happen to you. What I’ve experienced so far, I could never have imagined. This is so realistic and real. There’s nothing out there like this and I love the chilled laid back vibe, but mostly I think looking back for me, I could not have known where this would go. Everything for me changed from insights and actions we take. Everything you spoke about at the beginning, it all came to pass and that in itself doesn’t normally happen in life, but with this program it has. I’ve grown so much and I can’t put into words how much hope it’s given me, how much inspiration it’s given me. I could go on and on for hours because it’s so awesome, just everything in it is amazing Alhamdulilah. I never want to miss out on any of it, Alhamdulilah. Shukran from the bottom of my heart.
The program has propelled me to elevate my life and Create new habits. My emotions no longer take hostage over me. Alhamdulilah feeling confident and optimistic. I’m embracing the journey and loving it. Thank you.
Before starting my journey, I found myself making the same mistakes over and over again. I had trouble in my relationships with both family and friends and at times felt very alone, as if no one understood me. I would constantly strive to please others, thinking that it was the only way to maintain the bonds of kinship and close friends, but would often find myself feeling left out, unappreciated and at times a burden to others. Well I no longer feel this way Alhamdulillah and it’s not becuase people around me have changed, I have changed. I feel free.
Being on the programme has helped me take ownership of my mental health and work on real solutions. It has also opened my eyes to a world of possibility and to the fact that I can achieve my dreams.I have recommended the programme to countless people as it is simple and straight forward.
You may be wondering still and here are some common questions and answers.
The program is completely flexible, because if you’re anything like me you’re busy with work,life and family. You get instant access to the NAFS ROADMAP of courses, so you can totally binge on it if that’s how you like to do it. OR you can spend 1 hour a week attending Live Coaching calls and then another watching the Roadmap in your own time.
If you spend 1.5 to 2 hours a week on training in the process you’ll get life changing results insha’Allah. You’ll have access to Live Coached or watch Coaching Classes / workshops and just spend 15 minutes a day practising what you’re learning. It will help you transform in all areas of your life over the course of the year.
This program is designed to suit a busy lifestyle and most students are busy with their professional and personal lives and family. So It will be like the gym of your mind and heart.
There are multiple weekly calls. You only have to attend one to get massive results. 50% of the students watch replays of Live Calls they can’t attend. It’s so convenient. You can pop into your members portal anytime and watch the Live Replays that are relevant to you. The program has a Clear structure to follow and convenient for a busy lifestyle. So you won’t miss a thing and always have LIVE Replays and it’s all organised by topic.
Absolutely, it will help you BOTH personally and professionally insha’Allah. This will get you on the road to unlocking your mind and show up with Confidence in life and business inshaAllah. Most of all you’ll find this unblocks you in your own obstacles that are preventing you from progress. This will complement your skill set and show you a very different solution the human condition and psychology.
Many of the students who join the program are trained doctors, therapists and Coaches who all love the program and experience the same transformation of their minds, health and spiritual connection. And on top of that they are able to benefit their clients and patients.
Absolutely, The Science of the Nafs is therapy, Counselling and Coaching wrapped in one. This is the Quranic way of dealing without therapeutic needs. Many of the students benefiting had previously tried many traditional counselling and therapy treatments without much success. The simple reason this works for people is that Allah swt is the one who designed human. He swt knows best their needs and how to heal us. You will benefit immensley regardless of what you have tried previously. Most students find that this is what they’ve searched for their whole lives. Insha’Allah you’ll find what you need.
To give you an idea many of the students despite being high achievers have struggled before coming on the program with Depressive episodes, Chronic Anxiety, Phobias, Brain Fog, OCD, Chronic fatigue and so many other diagnosed challenges. They either wanted a solution without medication or just exhausted themselves and were finally ready for a solution based on revelation. If you are intent on solving the problem insha’Allah this will be where it happens.
NO absolutely not. We appreciate you want to keep your privacy and so all the coaching calls and workshops don’t require you to be on video. You also have Coaching Q&A to ask your question in written format so you’ll be fine insha’Allah.
When you follow the NAFS ROADMAP and apply it into your life, you will find with a few months your life is changing like crazy. If you apply this process, you will gain the self coaching skills to manage your mind, emotions and life in any situation your life gives you.
To give you an idea, Nafs Transformation Program Student FATIMA after four months said: Alhamdulilah my life has completly changed. This is so amazing because my clinical anxiety has almost disappeared. The chronic fatigue I had suffered with so long was disrupting my life is gone. My relationships with husband and kids where affected every day and now I know exactly how to manage myself and my emotions. What’s amazing is that I no longer wake up every day to anxiety and I totally manage myself with the odd slip. Alhamdulilah it’s been amazing, May Allah swt reward your forever.
You can sign up for just One month or stay as long as you like. Our students love it, they come to solve problems and stay to grow.
Absolutely, the Science of the Nafs works in two ways, 1. Help you overcome all challenges, 2. It will help you grow and achieve Goals, both in your personal life and relationships AND in your career or business. It’s all about growth and development. If you want the growth tools to help you become the best version of you, this is it.