Relationships to Love LIVE

Welcome to the beginning of your future relationships.  ENROLMENT IS OPEN – Get FREE 14 DAYS LIVE Access to the Nafs Transformation as we begin the Relationship Marathon.

Day 3. Relationship Conflict Anger & Resentment

The one thing you need to take care of to stop the conflict and change your relationships forever, change you forever.


Get 14 Days FREE Live Access to the Nafs Tranformation School as we begin the Relationship Marathon.

DAY 1. Difficult People & Mental Struggle

We dive into the foundations of creating successful relationships and understanding difficult people and how to change the struggle.

Day 2. Relationship Impact from Anxiety Sadness & Anger

Changing the emotional impact one relationships will change your relationship and life. We get into the real changes.

How to Give yourself the best start

Start by listening to these short Audio classes, they will help you to prepare for the best results insha’Allah. LIVE REPLAYS WILL BE UPLOADED HERE so bookmark this page and save the link.  

1. UNDERSTANDING Negative thinking & Feeling

This mini-class is one that will simplify how to understand your mind and emotions and negative thinking that we are so plagued with.

2. Managing Emotions

We discuss how to manage emotions without getting stuck in them or losing control.


Learn why changes are so difficult and what you can do to make it happen.