YOUR Life Transforms, YOU impact OTHER LIVES & Create financial freedom
ARE YOU READY TO TRANSFORM YOUR OWN LIFE ? Serving Allah by making a difference in the world.
YOU WANT FINANCIAL FREEDOM ? Know exactly how to get clients that you would love to work with.
WHAT IMPACT COULD YOU HAVE IF YOU KNEW YOU COULD CHANGE LIVES ? with full confidence and self belief that you could help people who are suffering from any challenge.
IF YOU COULD CHANGE FEAR TO CERTAINTY ? Being certain that you could live with passion and create your Dreams Career and Business today.
IF YOU COULD GET OVER YOUR OBSTACLES? just imagine how amazing life would be.
If you’re ready to change the way you experience life and create a life and business where you have Time freedom, Money Freedom and Location freedom, then you’re going to love this program insha’Allah.
You will be trained in Transformational Life Coaching and Quranic Intervention – It’s a complete mind transformation and behavioural change transformation program. It will help you get unstuck and create the confidence and work process needed to creating a thriving coaching practice.
Figure out exactly how to be the best you that you can fall in love with. No more fear & Anxiety, no more self doubt, no more lack of confidence and self worth and just taking more action and creating your dreams in the real world insha’Allah.
This 12 month Personal Transformation & Coach Certification Program for people like you who want help to solve the most difficult problems permanently, to get closely connected to Allah. In this program we create a connection where you can begin to get a real cure, a real solution to your challenges in life.
No more procrastination, No more emotional roller coasters of Negativity, no more searching endlessly online, no more crash courses or even therapy for years. In this simple Coaching solution I will help you get to the route of the problem and eliminate it permanently insha’Allah so you can create your dream business.
First you must go through your own personal transformation to create Peace and contentment in your life. This is the thing we all need. There are deeply ingrained challenges we all face and if you want to love your life going through this journey of personal transformation will be the most important journey for you.
Eliminate doubt and fear, no procrastination, no more anxiety over the future or past, no more feeling disconnected, anger and alone in your pursuit for peace. Your focus with be to take care of your own struggles in this part of the program and life will change insha’Allah.
So you might already be in the help profession, or you may be completely new. It’s fine either way. You will go through a training that give you all you need to help people transform in any area of their life.
Knowing how to take someone else through the process of transformation is essential component of your journey in becoming a coach. You will learn the master tools, science of life transformation, and all practice you need to help your clients in any challenge they face and help them to create the life that they want.
Training to Coach all areas of life requires an understanding of the fundamental Human behavioural science. There is NO ONE that knows this better than Allah, so you will learn the Science of the Nafs through the Quran and Sunnah.
If time freedom and Money freedom is important to you this part of the program will set you free insha’Allah. Making money as a life coach is all about how to find your Clients and building a thriving practice. Creating financial freedom is a choice and not something that just happens to you. So we teach you exactly how to go out and find the clients you need to build a thriving practice.
Most people want to do this without overwhelm and burnout so this is exactly what we will teach you, how to work the hours you want and how to make the money you desire.
You don’t have to keep waiting for a miracle as it could only be that Allah guided you to be reading this now. Most people won’t get to see this, but you are. Allah destined you to be reading this, to be hearing this life changing message.
In the Coaching journey I will personally support and mentor you to help you create a Deep Connection to Allah like you’ve never experienced before. We will work on finding what’s really stopping you from your success in your biggest challenges and work to create your biggest dreams.
It’s a Coaching Certification program based on the Science of Nafs psychology model which has its roots in the Quran and Sunnah. You will be taught, mentored and coached in how to understand this and how to use it to create true inner peace and resilience.
Although you will see some correlation with traditional psychology, InsideOut, Hypnotherapy or even NLP. You will ONLY be taught psychology according to the Quran and Sunnah. I’m telling you this because we will deal with all challenges you or your clients face through Quranic psychology only. So we will make a journey with Revelation so we can rely on that 100%.
We humans are always trying to bridge the gap, so we ‘follow advice’, use different techniques to feel ok, feel an Imaan boost even, but it’s always a challenge to feel that way constantly when you have to work so hard to create that good feeling state. You will learn how you don’t have to do that any more, insha’Allah that will change that forever.
If you are successful in lots of areas of your life BUT absolutely struggle in other areas, then you will learn how to identify the challenges and transform it permanently insha’Allah.
Go through your own personal transformation in your own life so that you have no obstacles getting in your way in building your dream life and Career.
Learn the way to succeed with all clients. Lose the fear of what if I can’t get my clients the results they need. Be sure of what you can do for others.
If you are constantly worried about your financial situation, your on edge and feeling frustrated we will learn how to solve that and from where you can create the Money freedom and abundance.
By the time we finish you will feel the peace and know exactly how to tap into that whenever you need insha’Allah. No more self love and self doubt.
If you’ve struggled for years with obstacles that never go away you will get the chance to overcome that permanently insha’Allah.
If you are constantly worried about your financial situation, your on edge and feeling frustrated we will learn how to solve that and from where you can create the money freedom and abundance.
Where the struggle comes from and how you can change that. We will tap into the Quranic guidance on how to create loving relationships in your life.
Learn how to achieve and accomplish in life and what’s been stopping you. Find out the easy way to make life happen and accomplish things you’ve so far just dreamt of.
This is the Most important one. Find out why you struggle to connect to Allah in the deepest sense and Create indestructible connection in life.
Imagine your dream Client getting their Dreams come true after working with you..
You let go of all your fears, the past and future anxieties and you begin fresh now with 100% Certainty showing up every day.
You help people find their inner peace and connection. You help dreams come true, Marriages get better, Money worries disappear, health and relationships begin taking a turn for the better.
You become the most powerful agent of change, the heart centred Coach who helps improve life.
The struggles you found yourself in yesterday, now seem to be the obstacles for others and you help them to eliminate these struggles just like you have.
You finally understand what Allah means by contentment and true peace.
You learn to focus on Dunya & Akhira without being overwhelmed by how much you have to do. No more overwhelm, no more procrastination just by understanding the missing link in your life.
Could You Learn to just Love Life again and feel your way through life with Passion for serving others and earning Money Freedom and time freedom ? If this sounds like something you would love you’re in the right place insha’Allah.
This is where your foundation is built. We will travel through the Quran to understand how the human psychology and physiology is to be understood. When you understand this knowledge, you will know the simplest and most effective way to understand human behaviour and how to bring about lasting change according to the Designer of Life.
This is knowledge of both physical and metaphysical in nature. It will complete the incomplete picture that humanity has pieced together. Knowing and understanding how Allah designed you will help you to stop going against the grain.
It will help you to stop struggling and find a simple way to circumvent the challenges people face in day to day life.
If you suffer or know of people who suffer from excessive mental chat, constant thinking and over analysing of everything in life, this will show you how to stop that negative drain on your energy and life.
Truly understanding the nature of your Soul will help you to work towards a natural balance in life and connect to the Al-Mighty Creator of Life.
Some of the Benefits of this:
~ Get Clarity of Mind
~ Create Emotional Stability
~ Eliminate Self Doubt
~ Eliminate Self Sabotage
~ Create true Inner Confidence
~ Clear away habitual thinking & limiting beliefs
~ Create the Motivation you need
~ Learn how to Rely on yourself
~ Deal with Loneliness
~ Fear of Death or desire for it
~ Create Momentum in getting things done
~ Stop battling with yourself
~ Become who you are inspired to be
~ Have impact in your relationships
~ Build relationships that make you happy
~ Get over the past
~ Stop fear from dictating your life
Having taught and trained hundreds of people over the years, my experience has taught me that You need to mentor and coach people to get real results.
Expert Personal & Business Coach, Therapist and and Trainer in Nafs Spirituality & Psychology according to the Quran and Sunnah. Background and expertise in helping people with personal and Business transformation.
In my own personal Journey I have spent the last 20 years seeking knowledge, teaching and mentoring individuals like yourself. Having travelled and lived in Egypt and Saudi Arabia where I learned through the Islamic seminary of Al Azhar. On return to the UK I founded the Quranic Connection Academy (originally known as Al-Fatihah Institute).
With 25 years of working in Consultancy Business building, Marketing and Sales, I have gleaned an all-round experience of building businesses from the ground up. In this journey I’ve trained many professionals and executives.
Founder, Lead Trainer & Coach of the ILMU NAFS Divine Principles Coaching program is for Personal and Business transformation.
Have spent more than 20 years in the pursuit of knowledge and training in various modalities of Psychology and Human Potential mastery.
Sounds complicated, but truth be told it’s SIMPLE.
Spiritual Awakening, Mind Mastery, Relationship and Money Mastery, Client Acquisition, High Fee Enrolment training and more.
Join the next class and become a Certified Life Coach with the Quranic Psychology model for Healing and Life Transformation Coaching and Therapy. It’s the only school in the world where you can learn this as a profession.
If the programs sounds like it could be what you’re looking there’s only one way to find out. Places are offered on an invitation bases only after we’ve had a chance to speak and see if this is a good fit for you.
Don’t miss out..
You may be wondering still and here are some common questions and answers.
If you still have Questions please book a call to discuss your questions or any queries you have.
This is a 100% Live Coaching Program and Yes you will get a video recording if you miss the Live sessions.
Don’t worry, this is why you need the Coaching and Mentoring to get over this problem permanently insha’Allah. We will resolve this together.
Yes you can join using the Mobile or Desktop App that we’ll provide you access to. As long as you have internet you can join using any device.
Yes we can work out something that works for you.
Absolutely if will help you change your whole life insha’Allah if you put in the work. This will get you on the road to unlocking your mind and life inshaAllah.