The Best Life Coaching & Mentorship Program with the Quranic Science of the Nafs Psychology & Behaviour transformation method.


This is where you will Master Mind & Emotions, Relationships and Life

If life isn’t what you thought it would be by now, it’s time for something new.

If you’ve been feeling stuck in your own life ? yet you’re always doing everything you can, helping others, sacrificing yourself but you still don’t get what you want, it’s time for a new approach. 

Does helping others come at the cost of your own life, time, and happiness? It doesn’t have to be like this, and you can change it all with a simple decision.

You want to impact your family,  your children and get the best out of people, but it’s exhausting trying to do everything, manage everything and take care of yourself.

You struggle to switch off, always prioritising everything but not what You need. Instantly react when disturbed, and struggle with people as a result. 

You were created to be the leader of your life, you know that but it’s time to take ownership of life using your Mind, Inner strength and power. 

Imagine a life you shape by an inner calm, breathe easy with faith and purpose. From this place you will build your future based on certainty. You’ll stop struggling with getting Overwhelmed and Anxious about your life and future.

Do the 4 Core Essentials, and Create the Best Life:

1. Connection to Allah swt that will set you free from feeling Alone, Unsupported and plagued with Fears and Uncertainty. You’ll tap into your greatest potential with Faith, Reliance and Trust.

2. Unlock your Mind and Emotional health. Change how you feel daily, no more highs and lows that keep you stuck. You’ll love life insha’Allah.

3. Relationship and Behaviour Change you love. Change the way you connect to people, your life will change. It’s love, joy and fun while you connect to people. 

Most of us forget how to do this when we get caught up with the ambitions of life. Marriage, Parenting and generally relationships become amazing.

4. Master the Skill of Creating Results & Money. Peak Performance without burnout, all for Results you actually want. You’ll get to actualise your ambitions and goals while you change as a person. No more procrastinating or getting stuck in overworking. 

In this Program Muslim Coaches and Professional get to build their life and Business with more Money and time. They do it by overcoming their blocks.

In this program you learn to master your Mind, Time, Energy and Motivation to create results you want. You will stop being side tracked by obstacles, Procrastination, and become more productive in less time.

It’s much more simple that you think. Do these 4 Essentials and grow in every area of life insha’Allah

Welcome to The Muslim Life Coach & Business School


 Every Coach, Leader and Parent who wants to Build a future without Anxiety, Anger or Overwhelm loves this journey.

Imagine a Mind and Life that you shape by choice, with a set of Divine designed (Quranic) step by step tools where you take control of shaping your current life and future. Where you stop feeling exhausted with juggling responsibilities in your personal and professional life.

You unlock your Mind, Relationships and overcome obstacles faster than ever before.

It’s so simple and it happens gradually. No one fails when they follow these steps, and you get to become the true leader of your life and results insha’Allah.

For people like us we also get caught in Procrastination, Fear and Overwhelm. But you won’t allow that to be a mental block or cause Burnout anymore

You train your mind to feel good no matter what goes on. Take control of your life every day, and create Deep Connection of safety and reliance.

Stop feeling the empty feelings when it comes to your relationship with Allah swt. Transform this so you can flourish.

Begin to feel confident, emotionally powerful and resilient no matter what’s going on in the world.


You can stop the fear of failure and perfectionism that creates mental and physical exhaustion, and begin creating the the life, time and money freedom you want.

In your business experience joy again. Stop racing and slow down to actually get results and make more Money.

Build out your Coaching Business with the 5-figure Business Coaching model and without your personal life spilling over onto your professional life.

Get more done in your life WITHOUT sacrificing your health, relationships and wealth. Your ambition can build positive change and heart felt success.

You can raise your family, build your career or business, and do it without sacrificing your mind and emotional health.

Unlock your true potential and both your Personal life and Business / Career will flourish insha’Allah. You already know this. 

The Science of the Nafs Method of life and Business is the Answer !

The journey with the Science of the Nafs has been a true “game changer” for me.  I was living in fear and not only did this teach me about myself and the power that Allah has given me, it gave me an invaluable insight in to the mind and behaviours of others, allowing me to develop relationships from a place compassion and mercy. This has manifested itself the most in my marriage and parenting which have transformed beyond recognition.

FARIA, Manager / Accountant

It works ! No Self doubt and So Confident.  I had tons of ideas and I struggled to get it to inception before taking this training.  I knew I would go deep into thoughts and feelings, self doubt even though it doesn’t seem like it on the outside. I’ve become confident, and I know what it takes to make it happen. Commitment to change is everything and it’s almost like a reprogramming your mind. Once you do it, the results are so much better than you would have ever got previously. It’s powerful and it works.  It’s helped me so much in in my personal life and my business relationships. 

Juneid, Educational Leader & Coach

 “My life changed, I changed”I was listening to ‘Get unstuck and love your life’ and I wondered how long I’d been on this journey and so went back to look – it’s been 5months!!!! OMG, how my life has changed, I’ve changed. I realise how blessed I am on every level of my life and it’s taken this course to help me realise. I feel as if I’ve found a treasure hidden deep inside me – that Gem you mentioned 🙂

NASREEN BHATTI, Lead Project Manager


Follow a Step by Step Roadmap for Building your Life the way you want it, with Weekly Live Coaching and Workshops.   

Myself and my team of Certified Nafs Coaches will train and mentor you on achieving your dream goals without compromising your wellbeing insha’Allah.


    1. Your Connection with Allah swt. It’s the key to your Peace and Purposeful life !

    2. Mastering Your Mind and Emotions – It shapes your quality of life.

    3. Relationships – Marriage, Parenting, Work related -Healing, Developing and Loving.

   4. Behaviour Transformation – Create healthy Productivity and get more done.

    5. Money and Business – Unlock your blocks and whatever is holding you back.

    6. Creating Time Freedom for the Results you really love to have in your life.

This is the most normal, yet the most profound growth journey you’ll ever make. You’ll overcome all self sabotage and know exactly what to do to solve it. 

The Science of the Nafs guidance and mentorship gives you everything to succeed without overworking. 

If you’re sick of looking for a solution, trying to figure it out, YOU CAN STOP, THIS IS IT.

Healing doesn’t take forever and mental and emotional transformation is the same no matter how long you’ve been stuck.

The Quranic Science is always the answer to the human challenges we face. We help you to lead yourself, so you can lead your family and lead your business.

My relationships have changes, my wife thinks I should have joined years ago.  Alhamdulilah there is nothing like this in the muslim space and I’m grateful I found it. The Roadmap has been my go to for a solid year and it’s really changed my life and how I interact at work. I was living in chronic stress and anxiety and didn’t even know what was happening. It’s helped my understand my staff, my wife and really understand how to live without sabotaging myself.  My connection with Allah has transformed with my mind alhamdulilah.

Muhammad K. Business Owner

The program has propelled me to elevate my life and Create new habits. My emotions no longer take hostage over me.  Alhamdulilah feeling confident and optimistic. I’m embracing the journey and loving it. Thank YouSophia S – Health Coach


On-Demand Training & Mentoring to Live An Extraordinary Life


  • Stop Negativity from consuming you.
  • Get into Possibility state of mind where you look forward to your future.
  • Stop you from being mentaly stuck for days, months and years.
  • Learn to lead your life by using your mind and create your life on purpose.


  • Stop getting stuck in Anger, Anxiety and resentment. The 3 Destructive emotions.
  • Stop the Constant highs and lows so you can create results you want.
  • Learn to build Motivation consistently with a proven step by step process .
  • Make positive emotions your norm for a change. 


  • You get a proven process to stop Self sabotage and Burnout behaviours.
  • Create results you love when you stop fear of failure and Procrastination
  • Become an action taker that loves moving forward.
  • Master productivity by overcoming the obstacles and create Results.


  • Master the skill of Confidence and become independent.
  • Build Self belief that grows and makes you happy with your life.
  • Calm confidence will help you live a life of Purpose.
  • Learn to tap into this inner power Allah blessed you with and get empowered fast.


  • You’ll learn to repair and build Relationships with simple.
  • Turn difficult Children into loving and connected family.
  • Stop the anger and anxious behaviour.
  • Learn master influence to be able lead changes you want.
  • Learn how to Connect in a way that works.


  • Learn the skill of letting go of the Past to Create a New Life
  • Stop trauma from holding you back
  • Create a New Future you love.
  • This is the fastest way to overcome everything holding you back.


    • Create Time Freedom to Create your dream goals by slowing down.
    • Achieve more using our Roadmap & Life strategy.
    • Create the Impossible Goals you want fast without Overwhelm.
    • Use the Step by Step to plan out and implement with Daily & Monthly Results.


    • Undo the blocks that ruin a marriage
    • Stop the Constant conflicts, anger and resentment.
    • Repair and heal your marriage and bring the love and intimacy back.
    • Learn the exact steps to repair and rebuild a marriage


    • Learn the simple way to make the best Decisions
    • Lead with great Relationship skills of influence. 
    • Overcome Time Management blocks that lead to anxiety.
    • You’ll stop juggling everything to make things work.
    • You’ll stop Managing difficult people, and get people to do what you want with consent.

    ‘Everything he said actually happened, I can’t believe it changed everything’ I’ve grown so much and I can’t put into words how much hope it’s given me, how much inspiration it’s given me. I could go on and on for hours because it’s so awesome, just everything in it is amazing Alhamdulilah. I never want to miss out on any of it, Alhamdulilah.

      ~ Sumi Peterson, Professional Coach


    You will learn tools from the Quranic Science of the Nafs psychology, this will empower you overcome the obstacles that hold you back from the life you want.

    It’s all so valuable I appreciate it every day. My relationships with Allah, myself, and my family, especially with my husband are at another level, and I enjoy every moment of life. No matter what I’ll always be a Coach regardless of my job.

    Fauzia Humma - Financial Services

    My emotions are no way near as fluctuating as before and the extreme highs and lows have gone. I was at a really low point in life and was unable to get myself out but Allaah brought this as a blessing.  Alhamdullilaah so grateful to you and I always implement as much as I can from every single session as it is a blessing.  The practical ways to implement what I’m learning has helped me control my perfectionism. My home life has much improved and also my family relations too Alhamdullilaah

    Laura - Professional Mother

      YOur Coach & Mentor

    USTADH Abdul Shahid

     I’ve spent my life mastering Mind Health, Emotional leadership and behaviour change. Being able apply this in life changed me and many thousands I’ve trained over the years.

    Being an Expert and  Master Coach Instructor requires therapy tools for the deep blocks we have. I founded the The Science of the Nafs, Quranic Psychology model and behavioural Science by the will of Allah swt to master my own life first.

    Now I help others become the experts at practical application of the Nafs Framework and Coaching model. Information by itself isn’t enough. Being mentored and coached is the only way to get massive change, and truly grow to your full potential.

     Understanding human behaviour  gives you an edge in Money. The last 30 years of Business, Sales and Marketing, with the Psychology expertise has helped me build amazing businesses and train others to become expert at making impact and money Alhamdulilah.

    My own personal Journey I have spent these years seeking knowledge, teaching and mentoring individuals like yourself. Travelled and lived in Egypt and Saudi Arabia studying the various sciences through the Islamic seminary of Al Azhar. 

    I founded The Muslim Life Coach Institute to train muslims to live the best lives using the Science of the Nafs.

    This is the key to life Success Alhamdulililah



    On-Demand Access to the RoadMap Courses vault to up level your life to transform any area you want to focus on. Learn in your own time and convenience to master skills to change and grow yourself, connect and build relationships with your family, influence others and flourish in every area of life. 

    BUSINESS & MONEY Coaching

    Mixture of Business Trainings (Recorded and Live), Coaching and workshops. 2 Live monthly Business Coaching calls. Plus 24-7 ON-Demand Training access to Step by Step content and workshops, and replays on Business, Money, Sales and Marketing. If you’re stuck in your Coaching business and need help problem solving it, this is  it. Support for when your Sales calls are a flop, your content isn’t working and no one is booking consults with you. We problem solve to get you signing clients.


    This is the most powerful room in the house. Your life will change as you go through watching and getting coached weekly. There is nothing you won’t solve insha’Allah. It’s anonymous, bring anything you want to solve and achieve. It’s the weeklyt call everyone loves. Get coached, your questions answered or watch the tools you’re learning being used to solve the very challenges and growth obstacles you have.


    Get A Private Written Coaching Support through Live Practice Workshops so you can master the skills. These powerful calls allow you to ask anonymously and get the help you want with changing your life. It will help you plan, stay on track, get Unstuck when you slip, and plan your next step. Expert Certified Coaches in the Science of the Nafs help you get FASTER results insha’Allah.


    Transform your Relationship with Allah swt. This is the most powerful way of nurturing your connection and changing your life through a practical application of the Quranic Science of the Nafs. This is only Science of the Nafs psychology based Tafsir reflections for the Leader in You. Learn it so it nurtures a deep connection of trust, reliance and power.


    We record everything for you so you never miss a thing. You get to watch live Replays videos or listen on the go with your own Private Podcast app.


    SCIENCE OF THE NAFS LIFE COACH PROGRAM – MAKE 2025 the Best Year of Your Life  – When You Sign up you get Full Access to the Program for 12 months and Live Coaching and Workshops. 

    PROGRAM STARTS:  12 months with lots of academic breaks. Plenty of time to transform, grow and enjoy your life.

    This is what you will get when you sign up today insha’Allah.

    BONUS 1 :  9 Months of 1:1 Private Coaching & Mentoring Call. When you sign up you’ll get this  1:1 Private Coaching weekly with an expert Science of the Nafs Certified Coach.  Begin your journey knowing exactly what to do, how to do, and how to create the best Results. (Value of £9,000)

    BONUS 2:  Ramadan Spriritual Reboot Program – this is the one thing we all need to help us feel connected to Allah, secure, and empowered so that we can handle everything and create true Trust, Reliance and Peace. Everything you need insha’Allah. (Value of £1,500)

    12 Months Program Access includes everything & All New LIVE Classes




    £583 GBP MONTHLY

    ONE PAYMENT - Save £500


    £6500 GBP


    It blows my mind how much I can do, I just want to say JazakAllahu khair for everything. I love how this helps you in your connection to Allah AND to living a thriving life, wholistic wellness, mental and physical health is so relevant. I’m so excited for others because when this is embraced it’s one of the best things to ever happen to you.  What I’ve experienced so far, I could never have imagined. This is so realistic and real. There’s nothing out there like this and I love the chilled laid back vibe, but mostly I think looking back for me, I could not have known where this would go.  Everything for me changed from insights and actions we take. Everything you spoke about at the beginning, it all came to pass and that in itself doesn’t normally happen in life, but with this program it has.  Shukran from the bottom of my heart.

    Sumayah - IT Professional

    Before starting my journey, I found myself making the same mistakes over and over again. I had trouble in my relationships with both family and friends and at times felt very alone, as if no one understood me. I would constantly strive to please others, thinking that it was the only way to maintain the bonds of kinship and close friends, but would often find myself feeling left out, unappreciated and at times a burden to others.  Well I no longer feel this way Alhamdulillah and it’s not becuase people around me have changed, I have changed. I feel free.

    ASIF, IT Consultant

    Being on the programme has helped me take ownership of my mental health and work on real solutions. It has also opened my eyes to a world of possibility and to the fact that I can achieve my dreams.I have recommended the programme to countless people as it is simple and straight forward.
