Unlock your potential and create a life you love & achieve your dreams fast without overwhelm & fear
Are you frustrated, Anxious and stressed about your life? I’m going to show you on this page how you change all the things you want.
Getting unstuck and exploding your growth is easy when you have the right tools, coaching and mentoring. No more fear and anxiety about your future, no more getting overwhelmed with the present.
I’m going to teach you simple tools for take control of your life. Doing less and creating more results that you actually want in your life.
Change the state of your connection to Allah swt, Change the way you feel everyday, stop the emotional highs and lows, build great relationships and learn to enjoy life again.
Your guide is the Quranic Science of the Nafs – Human growth and development tools to help you overcome any challenge, and grow beyond your obstacles and limitations into your NEW possible.
This is a new solution to an old problem and it’s based on divine design and the human optimum living methodology. Nothing can stop you living an inspired, life of fulfilment and excitement when you decide to follow this path.
This means you can stop struggling with yourself or the world to make achieving your life an easy flow. With total reliance and support.
If you’ve been looking for a solution to what’s keeping you stuck, this is it and powerful changes are about to begin in your life insha’Allah.
UNLOCK YOUR MIND – IT ALL BEGINS WITH YOUR FOUNDATION. This is the source of your power and when you can harness and untangle the blocks you will flourish. This is the key to your personal success and business success.
HARNESS THE POWER OF EMOTIONAL LEADERSHIP. This will drive you, your motivation, your energy to show up excited again, go back to the days where you could feel excited to run into life. This is your most powerful asset. You will master it.
HOW TO TAKE ACTION FOR REAL RESULTS. No more hard work getting yourself to do the things you want. This is the power of creating in this life of yours. When you potential is unlocked, taking action becomes easy.
OVERCOME FEAR OF FAILURE & PROCRASTINATION. This is a big obstacles that we don’t often see because we dress it up as ‘there’s something wrong with me’ or ‘I have a creative block’. You will learn to take consistent action especially when you are used to distracting yourself or putting it off for another time.
TIME MANAGEMENT – NO OVERWHELM MORE RESULTS. This is a simple success formula that helps you turn ambition into results. Without it you will block yourself from what your true potential is. A simple way to unlock the Time-Results formula. Use less energy to create more out of your life.
GETTING OVER THE PAST & CREATE AN EXCITING FUTURE – You will learn to unhook yourself from the past and anything holding you back. This is a powerful way to change your present and future. Learn to master this and you can create any future that gets you excited instead of creating fear and anxiety.
SAFETY FORMULA FOR LIFE. Reliance and safety take you away from shame and fear of being seen. Fear of looking bad, fear of failing in front of the world, all of these challenges will be overcome by mastering this formula. Your tawakul will sky rocket as you nurture this systemised way of life.
SADIA Says: The impact this has had on my life has been so subtle, yet the changes in my life have been monumental. I was living in fear but not any more. If there is one thing I wish I had done is find this earlier in my life. I’m grateful Allah guided me to this.
You are not willing to wait anymore, and you don’t want emotional baggage or your obstacles holding you back from your life.
You want to love the way you feel and get excited about life? This is the Simplest and most practical and affective transformation journey you’re about to take.
A life transformation journey that begins with changing the things you struggle with the most first insha’Allah and create the life you dream of.
If you’ve been held back by the struggles and obstacles in your life, even if it’s the past trauma you experienced or the constant anxious worrying about what the future holds for you, this immersion will get the ball rolling in your life for true transformation and change.
This program is for YOU because you’ve been searching for direction and help to solve the most difficult problems, with a proven process to get closely connected to Allah.
We will create a connnection where you can begin to get real lasting healing, a real solution to your challenges every day.
You’re busy but you want to create your ease and freedom to achieve your Goals and dreams without Perfectionism, Self sabaotage or Fear of failure.
No more procrastination, No more Constant Negativity, NO more searching endless Youtube motivational videos, Courses or even years of therapy. It’s a simple solution by the permission of Allah.
The biggest thing holding most people back is their own fears and doubts, the self sabotage and constant inner critic.
Learn how to take control of your own destiny by aligning yourself to the Divine Principles of the Quranic Science of the Nafs.
You’re ready to Declutter your mind, trust yourself and become confident by cleaning up your thinking so it doesn’t stop you.
This is for you Now ! You’re READY for real growth and development and you’re not going to put your life off any longer insha’Allah.
FARIA says: The journey with the Science of the Nafs has been a true “game changer” for me. I was living in fear and not only did this teach me about myself and the power that Allah has given me, it gave me an invaluable insight in to the mind and behaviours of others, allowing me to develop relationships from a place compassion and mercy. This has manifested itself the most in my marriage and parenting which have transformed beyond recognition.
Overcoming your greatest obstacles & achieving your dream life will be found in your ability to Coach yourself and manage your life with tools based on Science of the Nafs Divine Principles. Learn through understanding yourself and your mind. Use the power of your mind to shape your life and become the most empowered you’ve ever been.
Overcome the Anxiety, Sadness, and Overwhelm by following a proven step by step process to take care of your mental and emotional needs. You will learn to take control of Heart and Mind so you can deal with any challenge.
Stop struggling with family, especially husband-wife, with your Children, parents and in-laws. Learn to connect in a way that builds, mends and transforms your relationships. If you stay in blame, anger, sadness and guilt it just makes it worse. Change it now insha’Allah.
Live a life of purpose and direction with Confidence of innevitable success. Use the program and grow beyond anything you thought possible. Build your beliefs, self worth and get empowered with your new found strengths and abilities achieve any dream goals without fear of failure.
Follow a proven process to overcome the tendency to react and create results you don’t like. Stop running from your life, hiding, worrying or just allowing fear to ruin your opportunities in life. You will stop putting things off by learning how to manage your mind & emotions insha’Allah.
Overcoming the Motivation and confidence and self doubt challenges will help you step into your life and create impossible goals and dreams you didn’t think where possible. Using the Quranic Science of the Nafs to guide your whole life journey.
The NAFS coaching teaches you to finally take control of your mind, emotions, relationships and life.
You will learn tools from the Quranic Science of the Nafs psychology, this will empower you overcome the obstacles that hold you back from the life you want.
You will learn life skills that help you to transform your relationships, your Mental and Spirtual health and of course you’ll learn how to live an abundant life.
Immediate Access to the RoadMap, a study vault of courses where you learn to study and understand yourself and others. Learn every self coaching tool you’ll ever need to transform your life and take ownership of Mind, Emotions and Relationships. You will learn to Coach Yourself, your mind and transform every area of life both personal and professional through the Science of the Nafs Principles.
Powerful group coaching ! Bring anything you’re struggling with as you go through the transformation. Get coached, your questions answered or watch the tools you’re learning being used to solve the very challenges and growth obstacles you have. Weekly Call Replays will be available.
Monthly we will cover the very Topics / Areas of life you are covering in your journey. This is an interactive workshop where you can get feedback and mentoring and support you need to make the transition from where you are currently to where you want to get to.
Quranic Tafsir Reflections / Understanding how to practically live the guidance so it nurtures a deep connection of trust, reliance and healing. This is the most practical and application based understanding of the Quran you’ll ever study. It’s focus is 100% Practical Life transformation through revelation.
Get the coaching you need to transform your life from Master Certified Coach and Expert in the Science of the Nafs Psychology. You can bring any challenge and get personalised direct help on your challenges. Use the Coaching and the workshops to get feedback as you progress through your life.
LAURA Says: I was at a really low point in life and was unable to get myself out but Allaah brought this as a blessing. Alhamdullilaah so grateful to you and I always implement as much as I can from every single session as it is a blessing. My emotions are no way near as fluctuating as before and the extreme highs and lows have gone. The practical ways to implement what I’m learning has helped me control my perfectionism. My home life has much improved and also my family relations too Alhamdullilaah
Invest 1 hour a week to join Live Coaching Call and just 15 minutes a day going over the ROADMAP for creating the life you want. You will transform your life over the course of this year program insha’Allah.
When you join today you will get immediate access to the Nafs ROADMAP, a curriculam of courses. These courses set you up to help you move from knowledge to practical application in the most simple ways. Enough of more learning and not knowing how to apply it.
The curriculam is set up to address the core human needs, wants and desires. You want to flourish in life, but obstacles get in the way. You want to feel the success and calm state of inner contentment and the Nafs ROADMAP will take you by the hand and walk you through everything you need to achieve it. It’s like having your own personal trainer for life.
Mental health and energy is the key to your life. Your thoughts, feelings and behaviours are all connected to the outcome and results you are currently experiencing. You will learn how to change it, get mentored and supported as you grow. This is not just another course, it’s a complete life transformation journey insha’Allah.
Monthly you will have access to Monthly topic based Coaching Classes and workshops, Spiritual Transformation with Quranic Tafsir Reflections, Weekly Live Coaching & Q&A sessions.
Access to the ROADMAP of Courses will cover different topics that include the following subjects and a lot more insha’Allah.
Solve the inner struggle with a deep connection with Allah. You will transform your mind and emotional wellbeing. Your sense of safety and Inner peace will transform your life. Feeling you know how to live for the best life, deal with Anxiety, Sadness, Frustration and overwhelm. Create True Calm.
Learn how to take control of your emotions through emotional leadership and confidence. No more living from a place of FEAR, Anxiety or Overwhelm. Learn to overcome self doubt, and self sabotage to create solid confidence and powerful presence in your life.
Control isn’t the answer and you will stop running from your relationships or constantly living in frustration, Anger or guild about the way your relationships are. Use the proven formula for solving ALL relationship challenges, even with the most difficult people.
Learn how to achieve and accomplish anything you want in life using a divine formula for ACTION, RESULTS and MORE GROWTH. You’ll learn and overcome perfectionism, procratination and Self Sabotage behaviours.
This is the formula for balance, continuous growth and development without Burnout. You will learn to stop chasing the clock. Stop feeling overwhelmed and pressured. Stop feeling fedup with life and begin to enjoy the time freedom and formula for peak performance with ease.
Imagine your dream life begins today…
You find a true connection to Allah and your dreams, your Marriage, Career, health and relationships begin to take a turn for the better..
You realise what you’re missing and start working on filling the gaps in your life and watch life transform.
The struggles you found yourself in seem to be the only obstacles and you get started on getting rid of them for real peace.
You finally understand what Allah means by contentment in the Quran.
You learn to succeed in Dunya & Akhira goals without being overwhelmed by how much you have to do.
No more overwhelm, no more procrastination just by understanding the missing link in your life.
What if you could learn to just Love life and feel excitement and passion about your life.
You only need one guiding map… the Quranic Science of the Nafs
SULEFA B Says: This was an answer to my Dua, I struggled with myself for so long, sadness, fear and low self worth. I wish I had found this a long time ago but I’m grateful Allah swt blessed me with this journey now. My life has changed, I’m doing things I never imagined in a million years. My Dua has been answered alhamdulilah.
Mind Health & Emotional Mastery Expert and Master Coach Instructor and Therapist in The Science of the Nafs, the Quranic Psychology model for healing and life transformation.
Having taught and trained hundreds of people over the years, my experience has taught me that You need to mentor and coach to get real results.
Personal & Business Coach, Therapist and and Trainer with a Background and expertise in helping people with deep personal and commercial transformation.
In my own personal Journey I have spent the last 20 years seeking knowledge, teaching and mentoring individuals like yourself. Travelled and lived in Egypt and Saudi Arabia studying the various sciences through the Islamic seminary of Al Azhar. On return to the UK I founded The Muslim Life Coach Institute.
Founder & Master Coach Instructor of the ILMU NAFS Divine Principles Therapy & Coaching framework.
~ You get Weekly Live Coaching & Mentoring
~ You master Self Coaching your mind & life.
~ You get On-Demand Access to The Nafs ROADMAP, life transforming curriculam.
~ Monthly workbooks to help you & guide you
~ Become a member of the Private Community of students for life
A member of the only Science of the Nafs based transformation project in the world.
The best time to begin is NOW.
How long do you want to put off your life? We often put it off for our careers, for the business, for the children, forever. If you continue that way, you will never do what you want the most.
What you want the most is what we all want. We want to feel contentment, achievement, success and most importantly feel like we are living with purpose.
Today is the best time to get started. This program is guaranteed, your success is guaranteed insha’Allah. If you’re anything like me, you’ve searched for this your whole life.
So you don’t want to put this off for any longer. Your life results are right now in the making. You have a no risk guarantee.
Your success is important to us. This program is the solution and we’ve all needed this since childhood, but it’s here now alhamdulilah and so when you sign up YOU GET LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP of the Community. That means you get lifetime access to the NAFS CURRICULAM, all courses within the program including Video replays, Worksheets and trainings. On top of this you will get UNLIMITED COACHING & MENTORING to support you.
1. First you will use the program to take control of every part of life by mastering the islamic art of Self Coaching.
2. Then you will focus on building the exact life you have always dreamed of insha’Allah. Both personal and professional.
ENROLMENT OPEN – ‘GET UNSTUCK with Maximum Growth & Achievement’ Create Results You Love.
The Nafs transformation program is on SPECIAL reduced offer to you for £259 monthly over 12 instalments OR one time payment of £2,500. Once you’re in, you’re get lifetime access and a no risk guarantee.
A WORD ABOUT YOUR INVESTMENT. If you’re a little stuck on your thoughts about this being a lot, you’re right. But I want you to understand that this is NOT another expense. It is a once in a life time investment in yourself, your mental health, your relationships.
I tell all of my students that if you’ve been looking for a real practical and doable solution then this will be the last stop you make. This is where you change everything you put your mind to insha’Allah.
Instead of spending all your time and money on doing what a lot of people do, from comfort eating, endulging in pleasures and distractions to constantly shopping, instead you will focus on getting you to feel good from within you, a sustainable source of goodness while you grow. You will save yourself thousands.
The most important thing you gain is the freedom to live, enjoy and flourish without constant ups and downs. This premium Coaching and Life mentoring program is the most Comprehensive life upgrade based on The Science of the Nafs, Quran and Sunnah based framework.
Monthly pay £259 GBP for 12 instalments
One time payment £2,500 GBP
It blows my mind how much I can do, I just want to say JazakAllahu khair for everything. I love how this helps you in your connection to Allah AND to living a thriving life, wholistic wellness, mental and physical health is so relevant. I’m so excited for others because when this is embraced it’s one of the best things to ever happen to you. What I’ve experienced so far, I could never have imagined. This is so realistic and real. There’s nothing out there like this and I love the chilled laid back vibe, but mostly I think looking back for me, I could not have known where this would go. Everything for me changed from insights and actions we take. Everything you spoke about at the beginning, it all came to pass and that in itself doesn’t normally happen in life, but with this program it has. I’ve grown so much and I can’t put into words how much hope it’s given me, how much inspiration it’s given me. I could go on and on for hours because it’s so awesome, just everything in it is amazing Alhamdulilah. I never want to miss out on any of it, Alhamdulilah. Shukran from the bottom of my heart.
It’s all so valuable I appreciate it every day. My relationships with Allah, myself, and my family, especially with my husband are at another level, and I enjoy every moment of life. What else could we want?
The program has propelled me to elevate my life and Create new habits. My emotions no longer take hostage over me. Alhamdulilah feeling confident and optimistic. I’m embracing the journey and loving it. Thank you.
Before starting my journey, I found myself making the same mistakes over and over again. I had trouble in my relationships with both family and friends and at times felt very alone, as if no one understood me. I would constantly strive to please others, thinking that it was the only way to maintain the bonds of kinship and close friends, but would often find myself feeling left out, unappreciated and at times a burden to others. Well I no longer feel this way Alhamdulillah and it’s not becuase people around me have changed, I have changed. I feel free.
Coaching has been a journey of self discovery for me, my mind and heart were stuck to the comments and opinions of others about me. Through coaching I have learnt how the Quran and Sunnah has been sent to guide us. Implementing the lessons and techniques I have learnt have not only changed my life for the better but has lead to me being able to help my children, family and clients with the obstacles they face, in some cases removing the need for medication for conditions like ADHD, migraines, IBS, stress, depression truly the list is endless.
The Science of the Nafs has done something I never imagined would happen and that is bringing me closer to Allah. I’ve learnt so much about myself, my religion and how I can be a better person seeking my place in Jannah In Sha Allah
Being on the journey has been euphoric. Hard to pin point when or how things changed from being so stuck for so many years of my life. The journey has kept on being a positive light in my life. Life is so different now from the days of old negative thinking. I understand my the thoughts and feelings and physically and mentally helped become more productive and active.
Many pearls of wisdom within the nafs transformation helped with various obstacles in day to day life. Cured from a life time of insomnia alhamdulilah I sleep a lot better. Learnt techniques to switch off and control the thoughts.
Despite being a practising Muslim from early I always struggled with my mind for as long as I could remember. But this journey has helped create a deeper understanding and connection to Allah. It has helped me to stop living in the past, being stuck, continually sabotaging my life. Even though I’ve had so much success with my life, self sabotage was a running theme and the negative thinking and self doubt would never stop.
Alhamdulilah this journey has changed my outlook on life from a negative constant struggle to the complete opposite.
I was drowning in a raging ocean of my own negative thoughts. It wasn’t long before I would’ve given up. The sciences of the Nafs gave me that life raft to aid me and to get out of that ocean. I ignored and blocked everything I learned for such a long time as I was afraid. I had developed such habits which allowed me to cope with all my thoughts but it wasn’t healthy.
Once I allowed myself a chance to open up to the sciences of the Nafs, it was like I could breathe again. My children were the first to notice. I was present and they expressed how much they loved spending time with me now.
I gained the courage to go back to a high stressful job and I actually loved it. I became more intentional and gave myself a purpose. I slowed down on many aspects of my life but this allowed me grow at a more consistent pace. And now I am the most productive and probably the best version of myself I can be. And I love myself for it.
I could go on for ages. I actually have journal entries from when I started my journey with you. Everything was so dark and scary. I was without purpose and was slipping away. I have kept it and read it every now and then to remind myself of how far I have come. It’s all about the journey Alhamdulilah !
You may be wondering still and here are some common questions and answers.
Your success is important to us so you get LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP of the full program. That means you get lifetime access to the NAFS CURRICULAM, all courses within the program including Video replays of class, workshops, Worksheets and trainings. On top of this you get LIVE Coaching and Practical application workshops weekly for 12 months. After 12 months if you want continued LIVE access for any reason, you just email us and we’ll give you a another 12 months LIVE Coaching FREE. If after another 12 months you want to continue to grow like most of our students and you’ll like LIVE Coaching access, email us and we’ll give you yet another 12 months of LIVE Coaching support FREE.
Our goal is simple, once you’ve got passed your struggles, we want to support you in becoming the best you can ever be. Serving Allah by serving the Ummah / Community is our mission.
This is revelation based, it works for everyone. If you’re intent on getting past your challenges and obstacles and ready to do it, this is about actual life change, not just more information and learning. Typically you need to give yourself 1 to 3 months to see significant changes, but you have NO time limit. You have unlimited access so you can spend as long as you want and go at your own pace insha’Allah.
We’re confident that all of students get results when they do three simple things. 1. Complete the Nafs ROADMAP and keep using it to grow 2. Attend Coaching Q&A and get Coached and 3. Do the Self Coaching homework. If you do this you’ll get amazing results you didn’t think possible.
The program is completely flexible, because if you’re anything like me you’re busy with work,life and family. You get instant access to the NAFS ROADMAP of courses, so you can totally binge on it if that’s how you like to do it. OR you can spend 1 hour a week attending Live Coaching calls and then another watching the Roadmap in your own time.
If you spend 1.5 to 3 hours a week on understanding the process you’ll get life changing results insha’Allah. You’ll have access to Live Coached or watch Coaching Classes / workshops and just spend 15 minutes a day practising what you’re learning. It will help you transform in all areas of your life over the course of the year.
This program is designed to suit a busy lifestyle and most students are busy with their professional and personal lives and family. So It will be like the gym of your mind and heart.
There are multiple weekly calls. You only have to attend one to get massive results. 50% of the students watch replays of Live Calls they can’t attend. It’s so convenient. You can pop into your members portal anytime and watch the Live Replays that are relevant to you. The program has a Clear structure to follow and convenient for a busy lifestyle. So you won’t miss a thing and always have LIVE Replays and it’s all organised by topic.
Absolutely, it will help you BOTH personally and professionally insha’Allah. This will get you on the road to unlocking your mind and show up with Confidence in life and business inshaAllah. Most of all you’ll find this unblocks you in your own obstacles that are preventing you from progress. This will complement your skill set and show you a very different solution the human condition and psychology.
Many of the students who join the program are trained doctors, therapists and Coaches who all love the program and experience the same transformation of their minds, health and spiritual connection. And on top of that they are able to benefit their clients and patients.
Absolutely, The Science of the Nafs is therapy, Counselling and Coaching wrapped in one. This is the Quranic way of dealing without therapeutic needs. Many of the students benefiting had previously tried many traditional counselling and therapy treatments without much success. The simple reason this works for people is that Allah swt is the one who designed human. He swt knows best their needs and how to heal us. You will benefit immensley regardless of what you have tried previously. Most students find that this is what they’ve searched for their whole lives. Insha’Allah you’ll find what you need.
To give you an idea many of the students despite being high achievers have struggled before coming on the program with Depressive episodes, Chronic Anxiety, Phobias, Brain Fog, OCD, Chronic fatigue and so many other diagnosed challenges. They either wanted a solution without medication or just exhausted themselves and were finally ready for a solution based on revelation. If you are intent on solving the problem insha’Allah this will be where it happens.
NO absolutely not. We appreciate you want to keep your privacy and so all the coaching calls and workshops don’t require you to be on video. You also have Coaching Q&A to ask your question in written format so you’ll be fine insha’Allah.
Most of the students are like you busy ALL of the time. Here’s the thing, in that busy we lose ourselves. When you never make time for yourself, the only thing that grows is what you focus your time on. Your kids grow, your career grows, just about everything grows except your own mental health, your own emotional wealth.
The cost of not giving yourself even a couple of hours a week most likely means you’re spending a lot of time just trying to make yourself feel better. All of people do that by constantly scrolling the internal, social media, binging on food and whatever else keeps them losing their time.
I suggest spend 2 to 3 hours a week for the next year investing in your own happiness and contentment. You’ll find your relationships, your mental and spiritual wellbeing will skyrocket insha’Allah. YOU HAVE TIME…just decide to invest in your life with some of it.
When you follow the NAFS ROADMAP and apply it into your life, you will find with a few months your life is changing like crazy. If you apply this process, you will gain the self coaching skills to manage your mind, emotions and life in any situation your life gives you.
To give you an idea, Nafs Transformation Program Student FATIMA after four months said: Alhamdulilah my life has completly changed. This is so amazing because my clinical anxiety has almost disappeared. The chronic fatigue I had suffered with so long was disrupting my life is gone. My relationships with husband and kids where affected every day and now I know exactly how to manage myself and my emotions. What’s amazing is that I no longer wake up every day to anxiety and I totally manage myself with the odd slip. Alhamdulilah it’s been amazing, May Allah swt reward your forever.
You will have lifetime membership so there is no time restrictions. The Nafs Curriculam is designed to take you through a 12 month cycle of growth and development. Typically students spend 6 months to a year working on overcoming all obstacles they face and then begin to set dream goals and build their dream life using the Courses and Coaching support. Once you’re in the community you will have the opportunity to continue to grow year on year using the training provided insha’Allah.
Absolutely, the Science of the Nafs works in two ways, 1. Help you overcome all challenges, 2. It will help you grow and achieve exponentially in your life, both in your personal life, relationships AND in your Professional life and business. It’s all about growth and development. If you want the growth tools to help you become the best version of you, this is it.
SIGN UP NOW ~ Lifetime Guarantee
Monthly pay £259 GBP for 12 instalments
One time payment £2,500 GBP
This connection has allowed me to drop so many beliefs that did not serve me but I carried them like a suitcase everywhere I went it was like I was defined by experiences I did not to define me. This psychology taught me that there is truth in many of the therapeutic models, as a therapist myself this is the only method which has the ultimate truth and can free you to be the person that you can be.
I think the most important thing for me is that I have been able to re-connect with Allah SWT in a more meaningful way than ever before. I have always believed and trusted in him but when things overwhelmed me, I had created a belief that I have to get out of that situation or pain, forgetting that Allah is the one who can change our condition and get us out of our predicaments, so my greatest learning through this journey is that when I begin to change, Allah will do the rest but I must take action.
Alhamdolillah not sure where to start. It’s been life changing, sounds dramatic but it really has been. Finding security in the words of Allah is all the therapy and guidance we need. To now fully appreciate and understand we have the power of choice, to recognise how our thoughts develop into action.
It’s like finding the key and unlocking something deep within that’s always been there but I’ve never been able to access it til now. I’m able to remain more focused calm and not get too emotional. Feel more happy and content. I have a sense of calm and direction, excitement and hope, a lot of hope.