Ok this week I’ve got an entire Life transformation blueprint for you.
This is a real formula for life change and growth ( 5 steps to Results you want) that will drive you to success insha’Allah.
Whether you want financial success, spiritual reconnection, parenting rescue or just want to have a better marriage, this works!
I’ve broken it down to you in the order of importance. So pay attention because this is GOLD, and you don’t want to miss any of it, even if it’s just the gold dust 😉
Just so there’s no confusion, these were actually recorded to go out to you over 5 days, BUT I decided to be kind ☺️, cos if it were me receiving the video Gems I’d want them all at once.
Step 1 – Relationship & Wellbeing
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Doing well in life is all based on your relationship with Allah, Yourself and then family / others.
Self worth and confidence is built upon the state of your mind, well-being and how you feel about yourself and your life.
When you feel confident about yourself and your life you can show up without the need to be seen, without the need for validation, and feel secure in who you are, loving the experience of just being you, connected to your Creator and having great relationships with others. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.
Step 2 – Mental Health, Overcoming the Negative State
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Performance is affected by the state of your mind and when negativity hits you, you will struggle to produce at the level where you lead your mind and life.
Leading your mind means leading your life. It’s the most powerful a Muslim can be. Being a high producer in BURNOUT is not what you want. The cycles of boom and bust are what drive us into a state of mental and physical exhaustion.
You can overcome it, it’s all about leading your mind. Lead your mind, and you’ll find your results change.
Being a high performer isn’t the issue. Getting unstuck is.
When you’re able to effectively lead your mind, you’ll transform your levels of productivity. Mental health is the key to growth. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.
Step 3 – Emotional Control and Power
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The true key to all of your challenges and the drivers behind behaviour that you want to change is emotions like Anxiety, Fear, Worry, Anger and Overwhelm.
These emotions can be destructive to real emotional health and certainly take away all your power. It’s so important and for some obscure reason, it was never taught to us as kids.
You are a leader of your life, so leading your emotions makes you exponentially more powerful and driven to create the results you want.
Emotions are dangerous when we don’t understand them when you don’t control them because they drive us to the wrong results.
It’s the wrong results because it’s not what you want. If you really want to take control of that you have to be the leader of your mind and life.
Emotional leadership and power skills are the most essential set of skills you will ever learn because it gives you total dominance of your life and results. That’s exactly why I said it is key. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.
Step 4 – Creating Influence and Change that lasts.
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The key is to leverage influence and power and that simply means creating change that actually becomes permanent.
Change is the biggest challenge we struggle with. You want to change yourself, your spouse, your kids, your team at work. You want to grow but changing people seems so difficult.
Change doesn’t work when you exercise ‘Control’ or micromanage a situation. Real change comes through the REAL POWER of influence. Allah swt teaches us a very powerful way to do this and it gives you sustainable change.
Behaviour is such a problem, and anxiety just creeps in. For high performers, driven people, we don’t recognise it when it comes. In fact, for many years I just felt it was this uneasiness and I just ignored it until it totally sabotaged me.
When you lead yourself, you will create a mirror effect in your environment and the power of influence will become one of your greatest tools, because you get what you want without having to force a situation.
This influence is based on the Quranic Science of the Nafs Psychology and it’s powerful. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.
Step 5 – Money Productivity & Business Growth
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This is the most exciting thing because your leadership mindset unlocks your productivity. You become a powerhouse at actually getting things done.
Time management and mental and emotional leadership will give you the key results you want in your life.
You cannot 10X your growth without the levelling up of your skills to think and act like a leader of your own life, business and life.
Allah swt has given us the pathway to real financial freedom and time management that helps us to live a balanced life while we grow.
Real wealth and success require you to become valuable in the world, something that you have within you. In the Nafs Coaching School that is exactly what I’ll be teaching my students to grow and overcome the obstacles to success and growth without burnout and exhaustion.
PS. Just so you know – The Nafs Coaching School is for you if you want me and my team to support you in transforming your life and implementing all of this. It will change your future when you start applying the skills and I will be training my students over the next 12 months to make this all a reality.
We train, coach and mentor you to make your dream goals a reality.
This IS FOR YOU if you’re ready to make it happen. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.
We begin Monday 14th – Don’t miss it we’re closing enrolment !
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GET COACHED & MENTORED IN THE NAFS COACHING SCHOOL : This is a journey of Coaching and mentoring where you will transform life, mental health, relationships and Professional success. Get ready overcome all obstacles, to grow and up-level your life. CLICK HERE JOIN. You will Love this Quran and sunnah based journey