Fatima overcame her greatest struggles of self doubt, relationship challenges and talks us through his journey as a Sciene of the Nafs Life Coach.

She dives into how he’s applied these transformational principals to her life to transform as a mother building amazing relationships, and then become a successful Coach helping women change their lives.  


If you are an aspiration Coach and leader, or already coaching and in help work you’ll love this.

Learn how to help people lead and master Mental and emotional health, build, repair and heal from relationships and the past. The best part is build an amazing future.

Join us in the Life Coach with The Science of the Nafs.

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GET COACHED & MENTORED IN THE NAFS LIFE COACHING SCHOOL : This is a journey of Coaching and mentoring where you will transform life, mental health, relationships and Professional success. Get ready overcome all obstacles, to grow and up-level your life. CLICK HERE JOIN. You will Love this Quran and sunnah based journey

About the Author: Abdul Shahid – Master Coach Trainer & Therapist of Professional Life Coaches, pioneering The Science of the Nafs Psychology model for healing, transformation and peak performance. Specialist in Mind health, wealth and mastery using this Quran and sunnah based Spiritual Psychology.