How do you become so confident that you can lead change in the world? in this short Life Coaching mini-class I explain the foundations of Confidence as a transformation leader.
ALL leaders, life coaches, parents and business leaders could do with this one.
In this episode, we dig deeper into the Science of the Nafs principles, a divine science rooted in the Quran and Sunnah.
You learn how this transformative science will help you to create purpose-driven life and business. You want to be the most powerful Coach and leader in your life.
Learn how to help people lead and master Mental and emotional health, build, repair and heal from relationships and the past. The best part is build an amazing future.
DON’T FORGET LIFE COACH WEEK IS COMING – 6th November we begin insha’Allah.
FREE 5 Step Life Coach Training - Help Yourself and Others transform Mind, Emotional Health & Wealth
Join the LIVE Quranic Science of the Nafs training on Life Transformation, Purposeful growth and Success Coaching. Learn how to Solve life's greatest challenges.
Give Yourself the Best, Don't Miss it !
What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:
- Understand that the level of confidence you project will determine how confident your clients feel about you.
- That gaining confidence and competence is an acquired skill set.
- How to have a profound impact on your clients’ lives and yours.
The Shift from Information to Actual Transformation
This is a transformational movement where we take this Quranic science of the Nafs, these divine principals to create real life changes that change peoples lives. We use these principles to coach ourselves, our clients and create results.
It’s the bridge between information and actualisation.
We already know that you are people who are driven to give and help others. It’s in your DNA, it’s the way that we were created by Allah (swt).
However, a fundamental key lesson to take away is; “giving should be an investment, not a sacrifice.” That’s why you have to be the prime beneficiary of these principles.
You have to give to yourself first.
The greatest change that happens as you learn the principles of the Science of the Nafs, and how to apply them to everyday life, is that YOUR life changes first and foremost.
This puts you in a position where you’re able to give tirelessly, from a full cup, not an empty, resentful, and stressed cup, and you remain excited and energetic about your mission.
This movement is all about taking the Science of the Nafs psychology and behavioural framework and sharing it with the world, to help transform and uplevel lives.
Our soul mission is, we want to transform lives and help people uplevel every aspect of their lives and businesses, which requires everyone to be the beneficiary of these principles.
This is the most fundamental and the most advanced problem-solving tool you’re ever going to learn!
We’re an Ummah, we’re a community, we’re people that are going to lead by example. Together, we’ll create change, one life at a time inshaAllah.
Join us in the Life Coach Week.
You will be blown away by how amazing it is!
Our goal is to help you become an expert in this divine science, empowering you to help anyone facing challenges.
Our mission is to change the world, starting with your life and then extending that to your community, family, and every area you go into.
It’s going to have a ripple effect in all areas of your life. This is what this movement is all about, transformation!
However, it’s imperative to understand that you must take care of yourself first and foremost. This is the very thing Allah tells us all in Surah Ar Ra’d He (swt) advises us, “Save yourself”.
The only way that you can create results that have this ripple effect is for you to level up, you have to be the one that walks their talk.
This is a fundamental principle within this science, which I will further expand upon in the upcoming five-day training inshaAllah.
I will show you how we use it to help ourselves and others, we’re also going to address many of the challenges of life. You’ll find that you’re able to help people with most things that they’re challenged with.
Ultimately, when you can do that, you will live your purpose because Allah (swt) created us for that very purpose.
You will live your best life. You will have the most success in the Dunya, and you will create success in Akhira.
On the 3rd November, Life Coach certification with the Science of the Nafs will open up.
This will be your opportunity to join us, join this movement of life transformation.
This is going to be the year that everything changes, and you’re going to love the journey there!
This is the very first time that we’ve offered this training twice in the same year. This is the most advanced certification in the Science of the Nafs psychology and behavioural framework.
It’s the tools that every leader, every Muslim, and every parent, every person needs.
If you want to lead your life and help those around you, you want to have a purpose-driven life, and create success in the Dunya in your mental and emotional health, in your relationships, and your wealth, then this is the journey you’ve been looking for. Now’s the time, join us!
Jazakumullahu Khair.
FREE 5 Step Life Coach Training - Help Yourself and Others transform Mind, Emotional Health & Wealth Join the LIVE Quranic Science of the Nafs training on Life Transformation, Purposeful growth and Success Coaching. Learn how to Solve life's greatest challenges. Give Yourself the Best, Don't Miss it !
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GET COACHED & MENTORED IN THE NAFS COACHING SCHOOL : This is a journey of Coaching and mentoring where you will transform life, mental health, relationships and Professional success. Get ready overcome all obstacles, to grow and up-level your life. CLICK HERE JOIN. You will Love this Quran and sunnah based journey