Often people find themselves thinking why their lives are not unfolding as they envisioned or why they feel so stuck. This cycle of thought can and often does lead to self sabotage behaviours.

They have all these dreams and goals, but they can’t achieve them.

In this episode, I talk about the link between this thinking and self-sabotage. People may not realise it but there’s an underlying reason for this.

What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:

  1. The underlying reasons for self-sabotage
  2. How to stop self-sabotage.
  3. The role of your mind in transformation.

Mentioned on the Podcast: (Click on Links)

Self Sabotage – Breaking the Cycle

Many of us put it down to the Qadr of Allah; a Decree, or a belief that life is not meant to be different for us. 

But resigning yourself to a life that you’re not happy with can lead you to think that there’s nothing you can do about it. 

It’s true that everything in life is decreed by Allah but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless and unable to shape your life. 

This podcast highlights the importance of taking control and will help you to see that you can transform your life. 

There are a few reasons why people don’t achieve their desired life. 

The first reason is that they put it down to the decree of Allah and that’s how life is supposed to be for them. 

The second reason is putting it down to someone else and making it the other person’s fault. 

The third reason is they blame themselves and tell themselves it’s their fault.

A common statement that people make is, 

“This is just the way life is. I’m smart, I’ve got experience, 

I’ve been searching for ages, and I’ve done programmes and courses and coaching and counselling, you name it, but I just can’t figure out what’s causing it” 

“I just don’t get it. Why am I so stuck?”

The solution is to step back and just be an observer of your mind.

Your experience of life is what bothers you the most.

By now you know the Science of the Nafs and what I teach in this therapeutic coaching model. 

We focus on peak mental well-being, and then we focus on achieving optimum performance and actual life transformation.

The whole process of it all.

We all want to enjoy life and feel peace and contentment. That Sakina is what we all want. 

Now, your beliefs about what’s possible or not possible will cause you to shape your life.

Your beliefs are what create your light at the end of the tunnel.

When you can see that, you’re going to have hope. You’re going to have the energy and the motivation to take the next steps.

When you take the next steps, your life is in progress.

The more you have the power to change, the more you have the power to take charge of your mind. 

When you can take charge of your mind, you’ll be more able to change your life forever. 

Life change comes from taking charge of your mind. It starts with your being able to see a way, you being able to believe it’s possible, you being ready for that change. 

This step is often overlooked but it’s the foundation of change. 

This is what I focus on with all of my students in the Nafs transformation programme, the mind, the life, and the relationship transformation programme. 

The ultimate block is not seeing a way and not believing in possibility. When you can see ways to transform your life, you can change it. 

We can move to recognise and address self-sabotaging behaviour. 

Self-sabotage can show in different ways like procrastination, disorganisation, fear, anxiety, self-doubt, and a tendency to prioritise less important tasks.

The key is that you need to see it happening. Because if you can see it, you can see the possibility of change. 

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About the Author: Abdul Shahid – Master Coach Trainer & Therapist of Professional Life Coaches, pioneering The Science of the Nafs Psychology model for healing, transformation and peak performance. Specialist in Mind health, wealth and mastery using this Quran and sunnah based Spiritual Psychology.