Are you craving a fresh start, a life filled with purpose, excitement, fun and joy?
In this week’s Quranic Science of the Nafs podcast episode, I share the blueprint for transforming your life this year, creating a new beginning, and really getting what you want in life inshAllah.
What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:
- How to change the relationships in your life
- How to become an emotional leader in your life.
- Planning out your life by design and creating growth.
- How to uplevel your life no matter where you are now.
Mentioned on the Podcast: (Click on Links)
- Nafs Coaching School
- Mind Health & Relationship training (Free Training & Newsletter)
Allah (swt) has given us all the tools and opportunity to take our lives forward in the way that we want and that’s exactly what I teach all my students in the Nafs Coaching School.
At the Muslim Life Coach Institute, we go on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and really growing exponentially.
We focus on creating fresh beginnings for upleveling and growth.
Our blueprint for transforming your life is rooted in the Quranic Science of the Nafs Psychology model, giving you the tools that empower you to become emotional leaders in your life.
It’s about mastering emotions, relationships, and personal well-being.
If you’re ready to become a Science of the Nafs coach, then I want to invite you to grow, to a level that you’ve never experienced before.
This is an opportunity to create the life that you’ve always wanted, and you’re welcome to come in and join this thriving community of professionals, parents, mothers, fathers and people just like you!
We grow and transform together.
We’re taking this science out to the world, and it’s going to change the entire world one life at a time. We plan to change the lives of a billion people, Insha’Allah.
We’re not going to stop until Allah (swt) decides.
With the Science of the Nafs, we uplevel on three levels:
- Spiritual Connection: your connection with Allah (swt),
- Psychological Mastery: your emotional and mental states.
- Material Success: your physical presence and relationships.
We focus on mastery, not just getting by!
Mastery is a process of planned repetition until you actually become that person who lives the science, and who lives the Deen.
The Quranic Science of the Nafs is the Deen.
One of the most common things that hampers and stunt our growth and development is having limited beliefs, and one I hear too often is that we should delay personal growth and success until the Akhira.
Another super limiting belief is that we only live once. This is so far from the truth as we don’t just live once, we live twice. The Duniya and Akhira, the Akhira being our ultimate goal.
So, we’re going to have the most tremendous life in the Dunya by choice and an amazing Akhira inshAllah. This is exactly what this programme is about.
The Science of the Nafs teaches us an alternative perspective. We’ve been created to flourish in both this world and the Hereafter, with the Quran and Sunnah offering guidance for success in both.
Many of my clients, my students, business owners, and coaches who have successful businesses, feel totally burnt out when they come into this programme.
They feel as though they’re constantly juggling things and they can’t stop.
They can’t get off the treadmill, but let me tell you, “you can totally get off the treadmill.”
There are five fundamental pillars that I teach you in this programme, and if you want to succeed in life, you’ve got to plan it out.
By mastering these five pillars, you’ll uncover the transformative power within yourself. You start to embrace a life where you’re not merely existing, but you’re thriving in abundance.
Planning for Growth: Means you live by design, planning your path to progress, and choosing to grow in every aspect of your life.
Emotional Leadership: You develop this core skill which enables you to steer your own journey, whilst positively impacting those around you.
Meaningful Relationships: You cultivate relationships based on love, compassion, and connection.
Balanced Living: You learn to create a balance between your spiritual, psychological, and material, and this gives you holistic and sustained growth.
Divine Design: You start to embrace the divine design of the Science of the Nafs, you see the benefit and impact of aligning your choices and actions with the principles of the Quran and Sunnah.
I want you to create an uplevel in your life that you’ve never experienced before.
The experience of the next six week’s journey with us is going to transform your life and all those around you inshAllah.
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1. GET COACHED & MENTORED IN THE NAFS TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM : This is a journey of Coaching and mentoring where you will transform life, mental health, relationships and professional success. Get ready overcome all obstacles, to grow and up-level your life. CLICK HERE JOIN. You will Love this Quran and sunnah based journey
2. TRAIN AS A PROFESSIONAL COACH & GET CERTIFIED IN THE SCIENCE OF THE NAFS: Transform your own life and learn all the tools you need to transform the lives of others and create a real impact in the world. This is a Professional Certification for you if you want to create a legacy (Dunya-akhira) driven Coaching practice where you help people transform their lives. CLICK HERE for more info.