What’s it like to be a Science of the Nafs Coach, leader, and mentor? This mind-shifting episode is about the powerful transformation with the Science of the Nafs Coaching. 

What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:

  1. The life-changing Science of the Nafs mentorship, leadership, and coaching journey.
  2. How to navigate life’s challenges and storms.
  3. Believing and taking a chance on yourself.

Mentioned on the Podcast: (Click on Links)

Science of the Nafs Transforming Lives

If you can imagine it, what you’ll see is a life-changing journey. 

You’re an A player and you play all out for your life, for your Dunya, and your Akhira. 

You’ve dedicated yourself to understanding the Science of the Nafs, studying it, applying it to your life, and being coached through the process. 

You’ve worked hard on your own life, and you’ve reached a level of contentment and connection that transformed your life. 

You’ve achieved so much because you’ve been so empowered by this Quran and Sunnah-based methodology.

It empowered you, it transformed the way you show up in your life and your relationships. Where you thought they couldn’t be fixed, they couldn’t be repaired, all of a sudden you feel as though it’s a new relationship.

Now you’re a leader in the field, helping people to transform their lives. 

Through this journey, you reach a state where life’s challenges no longer impact you as they once did. 

Initially, there’ll be some fear like any new journey you decide to take or new thing you try to accomplish. The fear of making a mistake, failing, or wasting your time sets in.

But when we step into this journey, we decide to take a chance on ourselves. 

You cannot grow your life, move forward, and achieve all of those things that you’ve decided to do if you don’t take a chance on yourself.

You know that you’re hardworking and smart. All you have to do is look at the achievements you’ve created out of nothing in the past. 

Think about any achievement in your life.

You’d never done it before but the minute you stepped into the uncertainty, you created some achievement. 

The thing is, the passive income life does not exist.

You want your life to be amazing and for it to be amazing, this is what we do. 

The Science of the Nafs is about having the optimal life by creating the most efficient ways to live your life.

The guidance of the Quran and Sunnah does this for us. 

The only one you truly need to rely on is Allah, as He always has your back. You make your life happen when you step into that. 

That’s how it’s been for me, my clients, my students, the coaches.

They’ve had amazing journeys because they were invested in their own lives.

So you have to put yourself first. You have to be ambitious for the Dunya and the Akhira. 

But we need to use the Science of the Nafs as a guide, a net that will propel you and nurture your soul and connect it to Allah(swt).

It’s the mentorship that we need. It’s the counselling that empowers us and it’s the Tarbiyah system that will help us to shape our lives the way that we want it. 

Coaching with the Science of the Nafs absolutely transformed my life, my clients’ lives, and the lives of the coaches who have trained their clients.

The work that we’re doing out there, when it touches your life, it transforms it.

You grow exponentially in your life and you create a massive impact and change in the world, one life at a time.

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1. GET COACHED JOIN THE NAFS LIFE TRANSFORMATION : This is a journey of Coaching and mentoring where you will transform life as you know it. Get ready to grow and up-level your life. CLICK HERE for more info. You will Love this Quran and sunnah based journey

2. TRAIN AS A PROFESSIONAL COACH & GET CERTIFIED IN THE SCIENCE OF THE NAFS: Transform your own life and learn all the tools you need to transform the lives of others and create a real impact in the world. This is a Professional Certification for you if you want to create a legacy (Dunya-akhira) driven Coaching practice where you help people transform their lives. CLICK HERE for more info.

About the Author: Abdul Shahid – Master Coach Trainer & Therapist of Professional Life Coaches, pioneering The Science of the Nafs Psychology model for healing, transformation and peak performance. Specialist in Mind health, wealth and mastery using this Quran and sunnah based Spiritual Psychology.