How do we get unstuck in relationships?  Relationship challenges can mess up everything especially when we don’t understand what is going wrong. A healthy relationship is dependant on some fundamental basics.

In this Relationship solution we look at practical ways of transforming the most important relationships in your life, with your loved ones, with yourself and very importantly with Allah swt. The science of the Nafs (Self) is a Quranic psychology and spirituality rolled into one, with a single purpose to solve the challenges of your Mind and by extension your Life.

If you are interested in taking ownership and control of your relationships, this coaching lesson will be very useful inshaAllah. Check it out 🙂

About the Author: Abdul Shahid – Life Transformation Coach & Principle Trainer of Professional Muslim Coaches using the Science of the Nafs coaching and peak performance science. Specialist in Mind health, wealth and mastery using this Quran and sunnah based Spiritual Psychology model.

Free 10 day e-Coaching Masterclass Design Your Dream Life 2021 No More Obstacles

  • Get unstuck and create Inner Peace
  • Overcome Obstacles and challenges that are holding you back 
  • No more Fear, Anxiety, Stress and Overwhelm 
  • ESPECIALLY for You if you have NO TIME !
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