As we approach the end of the year decide now that you will succeed at your highest level this next year. In this episode we dive into teh 3 pillars of success that you can use immediately beginning January to carve out your best year yet. The science of the Nafs foundations that we use to create life and Abdul Shahid shares exacty what he does to do this.
The Science of the Nafs journey of creating a life of achievement, inner and outer success is key to the next 12 months of life.
Don’t forget to SIGN UP for the FREE Training to Create Mind Health & Wealth in your life for the best year this next 12 months.
The Best Year of Your Life training program is starting and you will begin your most amazing year with a Science of the Nafs blueprint for life. This is emotional leadership, mastering your mind, mastery of relationships and creating a compelling future that gets you excited and drives you forward insha’Allah.
Don’t miss it.
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1. GET COACHED & MENTORED IN THE NAFS TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM : This is a journey of Coaching and mentoring where you will transform life, mental health, relationships and professional success. Get ready overcome all obstacles, to grow and up-level your life. CLICK HERE JOIN. You will Love this Quran and sunnah based journey
2. TRAIN AS A PROFESSIONAL COACH & GET CERTIFIED IN THE SCIENCE OF THE NAFS: Transform your own life and learn all the tools you need to transform the lives of others and create a real impact in the world. This is a Professional Certification for you if you want to create a legacy (Dunya-akhira) driven Coaching practice where you help people transform their lives. CLICK HERE for more info.