There’s this idea that success often comes at the expense of mental and physical health, as well as relationships. 

And that there’s a level of self-sacrifice needed to be successful.

So in this episode, I talk about becoming a peak performer without the stress, the pressure, the fear and anxiety, and all the emotional turmoil. 

What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:

  1. Success without the perfectionism Burnout
  2. Questioning the rules that govern your actions. 
  3. How to invest time and energy into you. 

Mentioned on the Podcast: (Click on Links)

Choosing the Correct Path to Avoid Burnout

There are usually 2 paths to success. 

The one is filled with fear and anxiety, stress, and a constant struggle with self-punishing to-do lists and perfectionism.

The other path is filled with enjoyment, ease, fun, and happiness. 

I’ve done both but the second path is my path of choice. 

You can choose your path. Difficult or easygoing. It’s really your choice. 

If you’re choosing the difficult path, is it because you have a set of rules that you’re clinging to because you’ve had them for as long as you know? What’s your reason?

Ask yourself why you choose the difficult path.

Even though you achieve all the things that people want in life, you do it from a place of unhappiness, fear and dread, anxiety and overwhelm, and burnout.

You have to answer that yourself but just so you know, the easier path exists and you can choose it anytime you like. 

But you have to be willing to change your thoughts and rules.

The truth is, two people can achieve the same things. 

One does it in complete calmness. And the other does it in a state of panic and fear. 

Very often what I see with my students, my clients, and people I work with is that they feel like the pressured and difficult path is the only way they can get things done.

In my experience, that’s not the case. 

It’s important to understand that you have a choice in how you approach your goals. 

You get to decide so make that decision. 

What do you want in your life right now?

Look at what you have, be grateful for it first, and then choose what else you want that will add value.

Prioritise committing time and energy and investing in yourself. 

Then figure out if all the I-have-to-dos are maybe just I-want-to-dos.

Are all the things that need to be done really urgent and obligatory or is this a decision you made?

Don’t think for a second that all those other things that you’re not taking care of won’t be taken care of. 

Allah (swt) takes care of all of His creation.

Our responsibility is to take care of what’s important to us and what will add quality to our lives. 

So, don’t self-sabotage because of a need to be perfect. Perfection is impossible for us. Allah is the only perfect one. 

Your journey to success doesn’t need perfection or stress and burnout. 

Choose a path of enjoyment and ease and commit your time and energy to yourself by nurturing your mind and heart. 

Challenge your own limiting beliefs, rules, and “important everythings.”

You are free to choose. Use that freedom to make a choice and focus on what will give you a more balanced, enjoyable, and fulfilling life. 

About the Author: Abdul Shahid – Life Transformation Coach & Principle Trainer of Professional Muslim Coaches using the Science of the Nafs coaching and peak performance science. Specialist in Mind health, wealth and mastery using this Quran and sunnah based Spiritual Psychology model.

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  • No more Fear, Anxiety, Stress and Overwhelm 
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