Here’s a list of 3 tips, ideas and strategies I’m using to uplevel my mind, relationships and productivity as a leader of my own life and my community of students.

These are small changes that have a MASSIVE impact.

Quranic Connection Tip #1 Spiritual Awaken in the literal sense

We know that waking up to morning dhikr is important. Try doing it very consciously without having those ‘complaining thoughts’ running in the background at the same time. It really helps albeit you have to practice at it.

Saying ‘Alhamdulilah’ and at the same time just really chewing one single thought for 30 seconds. Something that you really do appreciate in your life, OR something that you really wouldn’t want to lose tomorrow.

But be careful to say Alhamdulilah from gratitude and not the sadness that comes from thinking “What if I lose it”.

This practice will actually give you physical energy, believe it or not. Practice it for 30 days first thing in the morning and just watch for the impact.

You’ll be amazed insha’Allah !

Relationship & Leadership Tip #2 (Parenting)

Be the person you’d LOVE to be led by. The important word here I love.

Remember love means, you miss them when they’re not around.

Love means you look forward to seeing them at the end of the day.

Love means you want to be with them a lot. Good company is company you love.

Parenting and leadership tips can be similar at times because you have to be a parent like a leader that is loved by those they lead. Not feared.

In your business, you want to be a leader who’s like a parent, caring, compassionate and definitely approachable. You always want to work hard for the business leader that you feel has your interest at heart and not just KPI’s and financial targets.

We LOVE to be led by this type of person at home and at work.

Health Tips #3

This is something I always do as it makes me feel energised first thing in the morning.

Drink fresh warm water with freshly squeezed lemon first thing in the morning instead of caffeine drinks. I love love love real coffee. I even bought my own barista machine after years of resisting. I resisted because I don’t like to overconsume anything I love as it’s easy to create addictive behaviours.

But I gave in lol. So I drink regular coffee but I’ve recently gone back to replace it with fresh hot water with lemon, because:

  1. It’s so refreshing and makes you feel amazing first thing in the morning.
  2. Hydrates you with the right stuff WATER, not coke, coffee or anything else. Allah sends down the rain to feed the earth, you and I. Not coffee albeit I love it lol !
  3. It’s got loads of health benefits including the fact that it’s good for your skin, if you like looking good of course 🙂

More Goodies #4 – Videos and Podcast

Growth Pain and Anxiety – How we overcome it (Podcast Click Here)

Why We Struggle with Consistency and How to deal with it (Video Below)

Ok so that’s it for this week’s dose of the Professional Muslim. Enjoy !


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About the Author: Abdul Shahid – Master Coach Trainer & Therapist of Professional Life Coaches, pioneering The Science of the Nafs Psychology model for healing, transformation and peak performance. Specialist in Mind health, wealth and mastery using this Quran and sunnah based Spiritual Psychology.