In this podcast episode, I talk about getting unstuck in your mental and emotional health. It’s all about rebooting these areas so that you can thrive in every aspect of your life.
What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:
- How to overcome struggles in your mind and emotional health.
- Understanding how to apply what you know in life.
- Rediscover spiritual well-being and inner calm.
Mentioned on the Podcast: (Click on Links)
- Nafs Coaching School
- Mind Health & Relationship training (Free Training & Newsletter)
The Great Reset – Mind and Emotional Reboot
Far too often, we are gripped by feelings of anxiety, fear, or overwhelm. It prevents us from living the lives we want.
And the biggest loss coming from it is losing our inner peace.
If we’re honest about reality, one of the problems with mainstream education, be it the mainstream traditional education or even the Islamic studies that we go through when we’re younger, it doesn’t prepare us to deal with the emotional roller coasters of life.
Those foundations are found in the Quran and Sunnah, yet we’ve almost lost them.
That’s why I focus on the foundations of the Science of the Nafs, which is Islamic psychology and a behavioural science rooted in the Quran and Sunnah.
To live a life where you feel inspired and like you have purpose and direction, you need to have the key foundations in place.
Most of us have experienced formal education, yet the crucial elements were missing. Mind health, spiritual connection, life expectations, and a sense of support were overlooked.
All of those things are connected to your spiritual health, which is your connection to Allah(swt).
It’s so important to get ourselves into a state where we can flourish in life, despite all of the challenges that we have, so this is about living on purpose.
These divine principles offer guidance and a new perspective on life.
This is about creating a sustainable, inner calm and peace so that we’re not exploding in our relationships or we’re not withdrawing in our relationships.
It’s about unlocking your emotional powerhouse so that you gain control of your life and develop inner strength and calm.
You want to create a deep connection with Allah (swt), that supports you in your life.
Many of us do the day-to-day rituals, but we don’t feel it. You don’t feel that connection or that support.
That’s why you need this reboot. We all need to know how to do it.
This isn’t about becoming superhuman; it’s about acquiring the skills to regulate your emotions.
Another important component of this is building stronger relationships.
Regardless of what the issues are, regardless of how terrible they seem, when you understand how to turn these relationships, everything changes.
The Nafs Transformation programme is for anyone struggling with their mind health, emotional wealth, their relationships, and their spiritual connection.
It’s not about having lots of information or just acquiring knowledge but it’s about practically applying it in your life.
It’s about bridging the gap between what you know and what you do.
It’s going to help you shift the way you’re looking at your relationships with Allah (swt), with your loved ones, with your life, and especially with yourself.
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1. GET COACHED & MENTORED JOIN THE NAFS LIFE TRANSFORMATION : This is a journey of Coaching and mentoring where you will transform life as you know it. Get ready overcome all obstacles, to grow and up-level your life. CLICK HERE for more info. You will Love this Quran and sunnah based journey
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About the Author: Abdul Shahid – Master Coach Trainer & Therapist of Professional Life Coaches, pioneering The Science of the Nafs Psychology model for healing, transformation and peak performance. Specialist in Mind health, wealth and mastery using this Quran and sunnah based Spiritual Psychology.