This episode is actually a coaching session where I teach you to coach yourself.
Yes, I help you to help yourself.
The main thing we’re exploring is mind health, wealth, and spirituality. Being able to master this means you will create an amazing life for yourself.
What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:
- The foundations of well-being.
- Facing doubt and overcoming it.
- Understanding human nature to understand yourself.
Mentioned on the Podcast: (Click on Links)
- Nafs Coaching School
- Mind Health & Relationship training (Free Training & Newsletter)
The Tools to Create Mind Health, Wealth & Spirituality
The tools that you need to do this are based on the Science of the Nafs. It’s about your mind health, getting you to the baseline of doing well.
It’s also about mind wealth and living in abundance. Optimum living.
The Science of the Nafs or Nafs psychology is a science of human experience, how to understand the guidance of Allah, and how to get the best out of your life through the Quran and Sunnah.
This is not new. It’s been taught over and over again, for more than 1000 years.
So we’re looking at psychology from the perspective of Divine Revelation.
The framework consists of three pillars or fundamentals.
- Spirituality >> It’s your connection to Allah
- Psychology >> This is the Nafs which is you and how you experience your world and life.
- Physiology >> Where your spirituality and psychology play out in your physical being.
The primary foundation of well-being is the connection to Allah.
The reason we struggle in life is due to being uncertain and worried about things. It’s often things like worrying about your relationships, your finances, your bank balance, your future, and how the kids are going to turn out.
You could be praying five times a day, praying Tahajjud, making Dua every day, doing all of those things but there’s something that’s disconnecting you and making you feel insecure.
Allah tells us in the Quran, ‘ This a Book in which there is no doubt.’
Allah knows that for us to do well and not live in fear, we have to be in a state of security.
Doubt throws us into a state of insecurity and when we’re insecure, we behave badly.
Allah (swt) knows how psychology works, He knows how the spiritual connection is. So he knows what we need and He gives it to us immediately when we open the Quran.
No amount of psychological work, calming the mind, or whatever you’re doing to help yourself will compensate for a disconnection in your spiritual well-being; your connection to Allah.
So as we move through the verses, we get to the elephant in the room: Death. This is the one we all fear.
Allah says in the Quran that every soul shall taste death. It’s part of the journey.
And it’s just the transition from this life to the next.
We often fear death because of mistakes but if you’ve made mistakes, then turn back to Allah. He will forgive you.
Allah will shower you with his mercy. No one will forgive you more than Allah will forgive you.
No one wants to die. We’ve been designed with a need for self-preservation. We want to be alive.
And we will be in the next life. After the Dunya, we will return to Allah.
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GET COACHED & MENTORED IN THE NAFS COACHING SCHOOL : This is a journey of Coaching and mentoring where you will transform life, mental health, relationships and Professional success. Get ready overcome all obstacles, to grow and up-level your life. CLICK HERE JOIN. You will Love this Quran and sunnah based journey