Are you losing sleep over your financial situation and how the economy is going to affect you? Is this creating money fears and stopping your entrepreneurial flare?

Well, you’re not alone. Many people are concerned about it.

Many of you folk, like my students, new entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals are worried about this.

In this episode, I discuss how you can turn this worry around and take control. 

What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:

  1. How to take control of your finances and life.
  2. Reliance on Ar Razzaq; the Ultimate Provider.
  3. How to overcome money fear and excuses.

Mentioned on the Podcast: (Click on Links)

Overcoming Money Fears & Entrepreneurship 

We’re talking money, entrepreneurship and abundance.We all want it, but we want it with the best of intentions. 

I want you to imagine the first thing in the morning when you wake up.

Not when you wake up and go straight into anxiety. But when you wake up, you’ve got a calm morning, free from anxiety.

That happens when we have a clear mind. We haven’t jumped into the pool of emotional fear and worry yet. 

But the moment we engage with social media or the news, the fear kicks in.

Many of you, many of my students, are business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals in your careers, and you flourish despite the different downturns in the market. 

But because of the changes, we’re getting into this state of fear that’s impacting us and impacting our productivity, impacting the way that we show up in our workday, feeling demotivated, feeling like the sky is about to fall on us. 

We start playing out the worst-case scenario in our minds, thinking that we’re just being cautious.

Now, to overcome these fears it’s essential to understand the root cause. It’s not just about losing money or resources.

Because all resources ultimately come from Allah (swt).

That means you can have it back anytime you want. But you’ve got to do your part in this. Your part is to go out and get it. 

One key to financial success is learning to manage your emotional state. 

If you’re a business owner, it requires us to take action.When we take the action, there’s always fruit.

So decide that you’re going to take action but the action has to come from a good place. 

If it doesn’t come from this energy and expectation of good, then it’s going to come from poverty thinking.

It’s important to remember that market downturns and storms don’t determine your end result. 

The most important thing is you and how you show up in that life.

If you put your trust totally in the one who provides your Rizq, then you can become energised and motivated. 

Allah(swt) is the one that that replenishes the marketplace is over and over again. It’s like the sea that never dries up. 

But when you start thinking it’s all dried up , your thinking will cause a lot of awful feelings for you. 

We were not created to be sheep folk. You were created to be a leader of your life. 

Leadership begins with clearing your mind, then trusting and relying upon Allah (swt) and reliance upon yourself. 

Many of my students on the Nafs Transformation programme, run their own businesses or they’re professionals, or they’re in management.

They get into this mental funk and it holds them back from their own potential until they unlock themselves. 

As you go through this Science of the Nafs journey, you learn to unlock your mind, your emotions, and your behaviours, and you stop procrastinating.

When you have the right tools, you’ll create a difference. 

Don’t get consumed by negative thinking, emotions and behaviours because there is a solution. 

The Nafs transformation process is taking control of your life and creating what you want in your life. 

If you’re getting stuck and want support, join the journey.

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About the Author: Abdul Shahid – Master Coach Trainer & Therapist of Professional Life Coaches, pioneering The Science of the Nafs Psychology model for healing, transformation and peak performance. Specialist in Mind health, wealth and mastery using this Quran and sunnah based Spiritual Psychology.