Have you ever wondered why, despite your knowledge and skills, there seems to be an invisible barrier preventing you from making more money, reaching your goals, and creating abundance in your life?
This week’s episode we take a deep dive into the world of money, as Money Matters, right? We dissect the blueprint for success, and crucially we discuss the CEO mindset.
What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:
- How to master the CEO mindset.
- Why Money Matters.
- Financial Empowerment.
Mentioned on the Podcast: (Click on Links)
- Nafs Coaching School
- Mind Health & Relationship training (Free Training & Newsletter)
How to Develop a CEO Mindset
The most significant obstacle impeding personal financial growth is often the mind itself.
Contrary to common belief, the challenge isn’t a lack of knowledge about making money. It’s the invisible mental barriers that block this.
What I’ve found over the years is that many of my students, my clients, my coaches, the ones that train up and become exceptional market leaders in their field often hit a mental ceiling, and struggle to see what’s impeding further growth and development.
They’re very ambitious, really want to help the world and strive to make the world a better place, ambition certainly isn’t their problem.
They’re looking to sync their connection to Allah and want to live their best life, a life full of purpose, meaning and drive.
They want to succeed in both the Dunya and Akhirah, and excel in whatever they put their hand to.
That’s why finances and money are a huge part of this plan.
I understand that this is not the typical message you hear from Islamic organisations.
However, at The Muslim Life Coach Institute, we’re pioneers and market leaders, and the only organisation training our coaches, students and community with the Quranic Science of the Nafs Psychology model.
The Science of the Nafs is a Quran and Sunnah based methodology for human growth and development.
Our aim is to empower you to uplevel your life to a level you couldn’t have imagined prior to joining the institute.
Anyone who dedicates and submerges themselves into this process, then growth beyond your imagination is an eventuality, with new possibilities and opportunities opening up.
Part of that success, growth and development is to make financial advances that you didn’t think possible up until now.
That’s the essence of the CEO mindset.
The CEO mindset empowers you to create value, lead your life, and contribute positively to your community.
Money matters. Money has always played an important role in the advancement of different causes that create a positive impact on the world.
When we look back in history, there are many examples of how financial contributions fueled the rise of Islam. Even in modern times today, we see how wealth fosters strong families and communities.
The CEO mindset is not only about personal success, but also about making a positive impact on others.
At the Muslim Life Coach Institute, we train our coaches on how to change their own lives and help others change theirs completely. That’s the bulk of our work.
A key foundational element of that training is the business of creating wealth.
Going forward, we’re going to train you on the CEO mindset. Every parent, every leader, every business owner, every one of you, Insha’Allah.
This is what we’ve been doing for the past 30 years. The Science of the Nafs is the key to all of this.
Don’t let mental blocks stop you from financial success and transformation. Join us and be part of a community that’s redefining success, wealth, and personal growth.
All of you are leaders. The Prophet (saw) said, “All of you are shepherds.”
This is why the CEO is the leader. And every Muslim is a leader.
Join us in the Nafs Coaching School. It’s going to change your life and the trajectory of your 2023 and beyond.
Insha’Allah we are going to do this and do this together.
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1. GET COACHED & MENTORED IN THE NAFS TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM : This is a journey of Coaching and mentoring where you will transform life, mental health, relationships and professional success. Get ready overcome all obstacles, to grow and up-level your life. CLICK HERE JOIN. You will Love this Quran and sunnah based journey
2. TRAIN AS A PROFESSIONAL COACH & GET CERTIFIED IN THE SCIENCE OF THE NAFS: Transform your own life and learn all the tools you need to transform the lives of others and create a real impact in the world. This is a Professional Certification for you if you want to create a legacy (Dunya-akhira) driven Coaching practice where you help people transform their lives. CLICK HERE for more info.